704 articles on "religion"

Repentance and Faith of Sinners!

Jesus Preached Both! I have often been accused of being a Calvinist but never really knew who he was. I have found that God has directed my life's path placing before me through true men of God, the seed of his word. And those men plowed my hea...

Religion  religion james works faith thou romans
I Can Do All Things

In Philippians 4, the Apostle Paul spoke about his contentment in all circumstances, whether he found himself lacking or with plenty. He summed up the reason for this contentment in verse 13: Philippians 4:13 (NASB) I can do all things through Him ...

Religion  religion things strength life impossible
Psalm 91: Qualify for Blessing

So you got your interest up in Psalm 91, this Psalm prayer of protection. Press on with intent! This passage of Scripture is brimming over with promises of protection and blessing, more than most people realize. Your curiosity piqued? Great! Take a ...

Religion  religion psalm secret
Blood Is Man's Most Powerful Agent...Biologically & Spiritually (part 2)

In part 1 the parallel function of blood is shown for both the biological and the spiritual, pointing to a common Designer and Creator. Wholeness/ preservation of life, cleansing/purification/freedom, and healing were covered in part 1. These are par...

Religion  religion blood things jesus parallel
Our Meeting With Blessed Pope John Paul II

In the Spring of 1994, the four of us from Holy Family Mission had just arrived in Rome for an audience with Blessed Pope John Paul II. We had previously been traveling throughout Poland gathering information and taping the lives of the Polish Saint...

Religion  religion john paul authorities poland television
We Gather Together

Today marks the beginning of the Group of Eight, or G8 Summit, a meeting of leaders from the world's wealthiest industrialized nations to discuss global economic and development issues. Germany, led by Chancellor Angela Merkel, hosts France, the...

Religion  religion hope world generation summits
Tongues, Part 1

The gift of tongues is difficult to understand, not because it is shrouded in mystery, but because there is so much historical confusion about it. The first difficulty is to understand what it is, to define it correctly biblically. We will use the i...

Religion  religion glossolalia people biblical saul
Spiritual Life of Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Study of the Bible and especially the Gospel has become very popular during 19th and 20th centuries. One of the most interesting parts for scholars has always been the Gospel. Many people devote all their lives to the matter of studying it. One of th...

Religion  religion schweitzer gospel albert jesus people bible from
Christian Jewelry and Its Relevance Today

Christian Jewelry: A Brief History Dating back to the ancient Greek and Roman times, man has often worn amulets for good luck, to ward off evil spirits as well as to pay homage to deity. It's no surprise that this tradition would be passed down...

Religion  religion christian jewelry cross gift first
Emergence of the Coming Antichrist New World Order

Even though the fascination with the identity of the Antichrist has been a major aspect of bible prophecy for hundreds of years, the twentieth and twenty first century has witnessed more focus on the end time Antichrist debate more than any other tim...

Religion  religion world empire final union