Bible Study Supplies First and foremost, you will need a good Catholic bible. Picking up the old, dusty bible that has been in your family may not be advisable. It may be of an older translationthe language and phrasing may be archaic. And, if it is...
Religion religion bible study fromAdventure looms close on my personal horizon. Vacation time arrives next week and I am traveling to a place I have never been before, the Western United States. I'd watched a PBS special last summer and felt a distinct pull to go to Yosemite Nat...
Religion religion things pattern time stepBetween immigration laws and new passport regulations, some people can't get into the United States and others are having a hard time leaving. President Bush's immigration bill, the center of his remaining domestic policy agenda, came apart...
Religion religion people jesus blindRevelation 16 1From the temple I heard a voice shout to the seven angels, "Go and empty the seven bowls (REFERS TO PLAGUES) of God's anger on the earth." 2 The first angel emptied his bowl on the earth. At once ugly and painful sores broke out ...
Religion religion christ anti angel fromI was feeling very heavy and burdened, or as some people put it, I was depressed. The weight of my sin was hanging on me and I felt that I had to do something about it. My wife suggested that I meet with our pastor, so I called him and set up an appo...
Religion religion christ perfect becauseMembers of the Roman Catholic Church do not know the truth about Christ's way of saving man from the day of God's wrath. They thought that by merely calling the name of Christ and do the things they thought are good will lead them to salvat...
Religion religion christ heaven name themWherever you are on your journey we want to help you find the dynamic life that God offers. So come on, open the door, take a peek, and begin your discovery of Baptist-Express... for life's journey. Becoming a Christian is the most incredible e...
Religion religion fine jesus godaposs christMany people who adhere to Biblical principles in their lives believe that one should work only for a Christian company. I am not altogether sure this is necessarily what God intended. I think it is important, though, to make sure the product you are...
Religion religion business aroundAs a Christian hypnotherapist I believe it is important to know that Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state, commonly experienced on a daily basis when we lose awareness of surrounding distractions. We all enter the hypnotic state just before we fal...
Religion religion hypnosis peopleNow the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him. And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying, "This man receives sinners and eats with them." So he told them this parable: "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he ...
Religion religion father when