Array ( [on] => religion [p] => 56 )
Boy, was I surprised when I finally decided to look up those heavenly beings from Isaiah 6:2-6. They're snakes! In fact, they're serpents with wings and feet. I'm pretty sure that qualifies them as dragons! Wouldn't you agree? ...
Religion religion isaiah times holy seraphimWhen most people think of hell, they think of Satan in that red suit with two horns and a pitchfork somewhere in the depths of the Earth where souls are tormented day and night on some kind of giant char broiler. Do something wrong in life and you&ap...
Religion religion hell fire word lake death shallCould life have evolved by accident? Are we alone in the universe? These are the questions which have pounded the consciousness of individuals. Plus this no less persistent question: what is the purpose of life? Dinosaurs have come and gone. Modern m...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation science religion life fromThe European Union, which is supposed to be fashioned after the United States of America, decided to write a history of Europe, but leaving the Catholic Church out altogether. That would seem like an impossibility, but we recall the words of Joseph P...
Religion religion books lord videos aboutAlthough I have yet to read the book, "Eat, Pray, and Love" I did see the movie and really enjoyed it. Watching the movie generated some of my own ideas about how I, as a Christian, can incorporate some of these great disciplines in my own life. I le...
Religion religion love meditation life learn timeWe cannot see clearly as we try to peer into the future. "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known" (1 Corinthians 13:12). It's not just that we see dim...
Religion religion love face christ fullyBible Study Supplies First and foremost, you will need a good Catholic bible. Picking up the old, dusty bible that has been in your family may not be advisable. It may be of an older translationthe language and phrasing may be archaic. And, if it is...
Religion religion bible study fromI was feeling very heavy and burdened, or as some people put it, I was depressed. The weight of my sin was hanging on me and I felt that I had to do something about it. My wife suggested that I meet with our pastor, so I called him and set up an appo...
Religion religion christ perfect becauseThe story of David's victory over Goliath has inspired millions of "little" people to believe that, even though the odds were against them, they could win. It is the story of a young shepherd boy who no one had ever heard of, but who defeated a ...
Religion religion david goliath faceHenry Mora saw an opportunity and seized the day. A gold detector tested positive near the patio in the front yard of his Montclair, California, home and he figured this might be something big. So he grabbed a shovel and started digging. While he on...
Religion religion kingdom heaven hole jesus