8,393 articles on "self"

Mommie Moments – Taking Time For Yourself

Mommie Moments – Taking Time For Yourself by: Heather J. Tait Being a parent is a role that requires a large majority of our attention and time. Whether you have one child or fourteen children, you are more than likely aware that personal time...

Women  women time personal childrenself only

Many people say that working for themselves or working on Straight commission is just to 'IFFY' for them. 'I'd rather work for a company that will give me a check every week, that direct marketing stuff is just to 'IFFY'...

Business And Finance  business finance aposif doesnapost heapos justself aposiffyapos
Adversity, What Is It Good For

As I sat down to write this article, I was reflecting back over the last week – a week filled with adversity. We all go through it and it is during those times that we may often wonder what is it all for anyway? What is the point? What is it good f...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation week adversity through
The Castaway

In the recent movie, "The Castaway," Tom Hanks playedthe role of a FedEx delivery man. His job was to fly all overthe world making sure that the packages were delivered on time.One fateful trip found his cargo plane flying through a nastystorm somewh...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation island life hanks from
Ethical Relativism and Absolute Taboos - Part II

IV. RaceSocial Darwinism, sociobiology, and, nowadays, evolutionary psychology are all derided and disparaged because they try to prove that nature - more specifically, our genes - determine our traits, our accomplishments, our behavior patterns, our...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation trait social race moral people
Spiritual Friendships

Title: Spiritual FriendshipsAuthor: Heather J. TaitWebsite: http://www.silencespeaks.comWord Count: 473As we walk along our paths in life, we will encounter several forms of friendships. There will be friends of convenience, friends by association, a...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation friendships friends exist
Writers: Do You Procrastinate? Make it a Priority to Write Your Book

So you've taken the plunge and started writing a book? Congratulations on taking the first step. But now you have to find ways to keep yourself motivated to keep going. If you're like most people that are trying to write a book, you started...

Writing  writing book time writeself keep
Reasons It Is Vital To Become A Recovering Doormat Using The Power Of Your Voice

Are you getting tired of being treated like a doormat and you want to put a stop to it? Then you have to know that the power of your voice can help you become a recovering doormat and the reasons why this is so essential. First you need to know that...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation important treated voice doormat reasons
What's Your Point?

Be very clear about the purpose of your training programme. What will you be doing and why specifically are you doing it? You could say this follows on from the maxim of: 'You cannot teach what you don't know and you cannot lead where you...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation training company programme exactly will
Self Hypnosis For Weight Loss Without Starving

Starving and constant hunger pangs don't have to be a part of weight loss for women. It can be an enticing thought to lose weight quickly but don't be fooled. It's not a healthy habit. You might end up feeling cranky and lose the abili...

Health  health weightself itaposs lose