8,393 articles on "self"

Fantasy versus Reality

Fantasy versus Reality by: Skye Thomas Building wealth isn't something for the frightened, ignorant, and lost. You have to be emotionally strong, prepared, and standing in the right spot. So many of us fantasize about making more money and ...

Business And Finance  business finance wantself most
Got Have-Tos

Ever had an attack of the "have-tos"? "Have-tos" arean interesting phenomenon. They come in severalvariations like haveta, gotta, needto.also sometimesreferred to as "hate-tos".These "havetos" seem to invade our daily life. First,try listening to oth...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation implies donaposttos bigger
Clarifying Who You Are Seeking

People usually get what they want in one of two ways. Some people have vivid clarity about their desired outcome and it seems to magically materialize. Surely you know someone like this, or perhaps you are even one of these people. To learn more abou...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation ideal relationship partner attract will
Breaking Through Uncertainty - Welcoming Adversity

Breaking Through Uncertainty - Welcoming Adversity by: Jim McCormick We all question our ability at times. Uncertainty plagues us. It is even more intense if the ability we are questioning relates to something we have never tried or not succeede...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation parachute problem canopy them
Welcoming our Wounded Selves

Welcoming our Wounded Selves by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. "I just want to get rid of the part of me that gets angry so easily." "I hate the part of me that thinks about food all the time." "I just want to kill the part of me that is so needy." For t...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation victim wounded feelings from
Curing Exam Nerves

Curing Exam Nerves by: Trevor Dumbleton There is nothing on earth worse than exam nerves. For those who suffer from them, it can be downright debilitating. That crippling muddle of fear, confusion, and self-doubt that can make turn the easiest q...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation mind exam hypnosis nerves
Get What You Want In 2005!

Get What You Want In 2005! by: JoAnna Carey Let’s talk about New Year’s Resolutions. Do you set the same resolutions over and over, year after year, with the same results? Do you procrastinate, avoid the issue, confess to being lazy or come ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation resolutions year list will
Check Your Comfort Zone At The Door

Check Your Comfort Zone At The Door by: Josh Hinds No matter what goals and dreams you desire, there's a good chance it's going to mean reaching beyond what you believe yourself to be capable of. This fine line between what we think we...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation mindself oneaposs
Posture Yourself for a Promotion

Posture Yourself for a Promotion by: Pamela DanielsSit up straight! You may recall hearing those words as a child. Perhaps a teacher or a parent would utter those words to you on a regular basis. It was so much easier to slouch and perhaps it st...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation posture words aboutself perhaps
Anger And Your Health

Anger And Your Health by: Anthony Fiore, Ph.D. HOW YOUR OUTLOOK INFLUENCES HEALTH AND ABILITY TO CONTROL ANGER Jane and Anthony have differing ways of viewing the world. Jane is a pessimist (the glass is half-empty), while Anthony is an optimist...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation thinking anthony negative