8,393 articles on "self"


There was once a church that decided to bring their absentee members back into the fold. The preacher went to see one member for that purpose. His visit took him so far out in the country that you’d have to walk five miles back toward town just to ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation church person personally
Fibromyalgia and Environmental Triggers

Although there has been a great deal of recent interest and writing on the subject of Fibromyalgia and how to mange the painfulsymptoms, it is almost never suggested that avoidance of certain environmental triggers may be an important management prac...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation symptoms fibromyalgia pain chemicals
Changing Your Partner

Relationships are never perfect, and rarely do perfect partners come together. At some point in every relationship, partners want to change something about each other.The following are three schools of thought on changing another's behavior and ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation change request heshe partner
When You Feel Blocked Six Powerful Rituals to Help You Break Through

Have you ever felt blocked, stuck in a rut? Like part of you wants to change, grow, or move forward with something, but another part of you seems to be standing in the way? And no matter how you try, it seems you are unable to make a difference? Bei...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivationself blocked life
You are a Diamond So Scrapbook About Yourself

As a devoted scrapper, you probably gain satisfaction from scrapbooking about others. Oftentimes, you are the one glaring missing light in your scrapbook albums. Simply because you're so caught up with hiding behind the camera and being a fixat...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports scrapbookingself itaposs
Reaping the Fruit of Success in Life

Reaping the Fruit of Success in LifeOne way to become more successful in our lives is to lookat the lifestyle and habits of people who are alreadyclearly reaping the fruits of success in life and livingand growing towards their unique God given poten...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people life successful time towards
How To Pass Exams

How To Pass Exams by: Anthony Keith Whitehead In modern society passing educational examinations becomes an increasingly important and essential means to a better job and improved living standards. The structure and nature of all examinations a...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation papers syllabus past will
The Accidental Author: Lesson Learned from Writing a Children's Book

When I was recently asked to write an article on writing for children, I thought to myself, what do I know about writing for children? True, I just had a children's book published, but I still thought of that as kind of an accident. Truth is, I ...

Writing  writing story childrenaposs myself
Coaching & Miracles!

I witnessed a miracle this week. I know I'm being a little dramatic, but it really seemed like there was magic in the air. Some people would say that it wasn't anything special, a pretty normal event that was bound to happen sometime, but I...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation start miracle scary really from
Adults with AD/HD: Why Nike Has the Right Idea

I've always loved the Nike tagline, "Just Do It." The message is clear. If you want something, then stop making excuses and just do it! It's a positive, inspirational message that cuts through a lot of BS. For people with Attention Deficit...

Health  health justself donapost canapost