8,393 articles on "self"

Liar Liar … Your Dream’s On Fire! What ‘lies’ beneath that keeps you stuck?

Liar Liar … Your Dream’s On Fire! What ‘lies’ beneath that keeps you stuck? by: Carol Chanel We all tell ourselves lies, about ourselves. I cringed when I first thought about it. But we all do it. Tell ourselves things about ourselves th...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation dependent helen toldself lies
Imagine Having $42,000,000 You Can’t Spend!

Imagine Having $42,000,000 You Can’t Spend! by: Tony Papajohn Which lesson would you draw from this? “Crime doesn’t pay?” or “Murphy strikes again?” Here’s a story that could be fiction if it wasn’t true. On Sunday, December 1...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation northern plan ireland could
Your Work and Your Stress

Your Work and Your Stress  by: Catherine Pulsifer We all want less stress in our lives. Do you think today's workplace is to stressful? I know at times it may be difficult to accept, but, you and only you can control your stress. Stress i...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation stress life creating saying
14 Reasons To Get Motivated And Stay Motivated

14 Reasons To Get Motivated And Stay Motivated by: Peter Murphy Why should you bother to spend your valuable time to learn how to get motivated and stay motivated? Here´s why. Your quality of life will change dramatically when you take charge...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation motivated things stay
Rebirth from the Ashes

Rebirth from the Ashes by: Denni Gill The legend of the phoenix can actually be found in several belief systems. It can be traced back to ancient Egypt when it was then known as “Bennu” or Bynw”, a symbol of the sun god Osiris. Osiris was ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation results goal life phoenix
Thirty Minutes That Will Save Your Dream

Thirty Minutes That Will Save Your Dream by: Suzanne Falter-Barns If you’ve got a dream you’re intent on pursuing, chances are you’re going to bog down at some point. That’s just the way dreams are. In fact, there’s a little known rule...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation guided meditation dream
Change Your Thinking and Lose Weight

Change Your Thinking and Lose Weight by: Kim Beardsmore Are you a 'look-and-lose' dieter? Have you studied every diet ever created, read a zillion diet books, and yet are still unhappy with your weight? Has your quest for the holy grai...

Women  womenself list image about
Self Evaluation Procrastinator IQ

Proscrastinator Simplex Vs. Chronic Procrastin-itisAll professional and domestic responsibilities aside, waiting to RSVP at the last minute and finishing a report the night before its due date there are different degrees of procrastination. In gene...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation procrastination procrastinator simplex life procrastinating chronic
Making Communication Effective 4 Language Filters

This article may be reprinted on your website or in your opt-in newsletter or ezine. It may be reprinted unchanged with inclusion of the author's statement of copyright, resource information, and website links in clickable hyperlinked format.Ma...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation personal language messages beliefs influence listeners
Dream Yourself Into Your Life

Too often we lose sight of what's important to us for example, enjoying nature, exploring our spirituality, connecting with friends, traveling, and being creative. Yet, we know that our lives are incomplete. The truth is, we can all have much mo...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation donapostself something