8,393 articles on "self"

What Footsie Taught Us!

What Footsie Taught Us! by: Graham and Julie We have just inherited a rag, tag and bobtail of a dog called ’Footsie’. She was found three weeks ago wandering around outside a local restaurant for a couple of days looking for food. Paula, a w...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation footsie paula days couple love young
What To Expect From A Feng Shui Consultation

What To Expect From A Feng Shui Consultation by: Jakob Jelling If you are wishing to harmonize or balance your house or any other environment according to feng shui, the ideal way to do so is through a feng shui consultation. A feng shui consult...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation shui feng consultation consultant place
Creativity and Broken Eggs

Creativity and Broken Eggs by: Tony Papajohn In 1420, the dignitaries of Florence held a competition. They offered the enormous prize of 200 gold florins to the architect whose genius could span the unfinished dome of the Florence Cathedral. T...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation brunelleschi eggs never
Like Father

Like Father by: Wayne and TamaraDirect Answers - Column for the week of July 5, 2004I was married for 21 years to a man who enjoyed strip clubs, drinking, and his buddies. These things became important to him after we married, and part of his jo...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation children father husband stayed
I Am My Sunshine

My Sunshine by: Patsy Goins"You Are My SunshineMy Only Sunshine You Make MeHappy When Skies Are Gray"(I remember this song from my childhood)"You Never Know ,Dear,How Much I Love You Please,Don't Take My Sunshine Away"An...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation change happy realize

© 2004 gggems.com All rights reserved.Gemology is by definition the study or the science of the precious stones. One knows approximately 4000 minerals produced by the terrestrial body, among which less than 100 produce specimens considered as p...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation stones stone included from
How do you React

When you are faced with an incident that is new to you, how do you react? How do you react when things don’t go quite like you expected or wanted them to? When you feel when you have been blamed for something that wasn’t your fault? How do you re...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation fearself react life
How to Learn What You Need to Learn in Order to Succeed

It used to be a college education was enough, and then you would learn a few job skills and be on your way. People often stayed in the same job, much less career, for their entire working life.In today’s fast-paced workplace, the college education ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation intelligence emotional work skills start
How's Your Alignment

You have permission to publish this article electronically or inprint as long as the resource box is included. Please notify meof publication by sending a website link or copy of yourpublication to claudette@metavoice.org.Word Count: 673 words, 65 ch...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation alignment clients life
4 Secret Ways to Stop Procrastinating

Ever wonder how to stop procrastinating?Here is a good example...I was recently talking with a friend who said, "You know, Ineed to have guests over to my house more often." "Why isthat?" I asked. "Because that seems to be the only time Ireally clean...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation puttingself hold