36 articles on "testimonial"

Harnessing the Power of Testimonials

Let's say you want to take your spouse out to a nicerestaurant. You read the 'dining' column of your localnewspaper, and ask family or friends for recommendations.What they're doing is 'endorsing' a restaurant: 'Tha...

Marketing  marketing testimonials sales product itaposs about
Tips for Adding Testimonials to Your Book Jacket Cover

The reader is looking for a reason to purchase your book. It's up to you to hook them. If thousands of books are being published every day, how will you make your book stand out? It's been said that the average person spends 8 seconds looki...

Writing  writing book testimonial cover strong itaposs
Are Announcement Lists Effective

When you start an ezine, you realize after a few short weeks that you will actually have to promote it in order for it to be successful. But how do we do that? We have all asked ourselves that question. When you begin to seek out solutions, most of u...

Marketing  marketing testimonials different
Testimonials for Business Success

Testimonials for Business Success by: David Leonhardt It's no secret that testimonials sell. Why should you believe me when I say my super-duper, new and improved, does-everything gizmo is the best of its kind? But if a celebrity puts her r...

Marketing  marketing testimonials people testimonial
How To Use Testimonials To Increase Your Sales

Testimonials are quotations from satisfied customers and clients. They are one of the simplest and most effective ways of adding punch and power to web site sales letter.How do you get and use testimonials? Here are some tips for using testimonials:1...

Writing  writing testimonials customers customer
Testimonials Will Boost Your Sales - If You Can Get 'Em

Testimonials Will Boost Your Sales - If You Can Get 'EmCopyright 2002 lessworkmoremoney.com By Armand MelansonIt's a proven fact that testimonials radically improve sales.That's why every single infomercial & marketing website ispepper...

Marketing  marketing product survey testimonials email
When it Comes to Testimonials, Looks Count!

So you've gone through the effort... collecting testimonials and putting them onto every web page, right next to your page copy to provide that critical social proof. You're all done, right? Not so fast. Ask yourself: how do the testimonia...

Marketing  marketing testimonial testimonials donapost
Testament to Testimonials

Testament to Testimonials by: Cal Hyslop Should You Use Testimonials on Your Website? We have all seen websites showcasing their testimonials either spread strategically throughout the site or all together on their own glorious page. They’re t...

Web Development  development testimonials page
Writing Your Own Powerful Testimonials

Wouldn’t you love to be able to write testimonials foruse on your website that scream huge praises for yourproduct? Writing your own testimonials? You’ve got to bekidding! Isn’t that illegal?I know what you’re thinking. You’re picturing som...

Marketing  marketing testimonials testimonial product they
Gimme a Break!

Remember, when you write your sales copy, that you are not a lecturer andyour potential customer is not the audience.The three required building blocks of great sales copy are Introducing theproduct, Arguing why it is the best value or quality, and P...

Marketing  marketing product sales testimonials