505 articles on "training"

Women's Running Tips: Top 40 tips for women over 40 runners

Being a runner over 40 has presented new areas of interest (and concern) for me on the road and more importantly in my training and recovery off the road. I love to run and it's great to see research being done on older runners...the Stanford st...

Women  women running race training good
The Four Biggest Reasons why Businesses Fail... And How to Avoid Them Simply, Easily, And Without Fuss

Everyone's trying to make a buck - or two - on and off theInternet, these days. Yet, from the smallest home-basedenterprise to multi-million dollar dotcom empires,businesses are failing, too, like never before.How can you make sure that YOUR bus...

Business And Finance  business finance people training opportunities
Knowing The Reward and Punishment System for Dog Training

There are different ways of training a dog and in doing so, there are certain things and techniques that you should always remember. Knowing the techniques for dog training is very useful while some of it can bear negative results. It is normal to g...

Pets And Animals  pets animals training scolding positive will

As in humans, dogs also need to be trained when they are young. Young puppies are more adaptable to training and are flexible in their approach to training methods than a grown up dog. When it comes to potty training, it is more easily done with youn...

Pets And Animals  pets animals training potty time important
Consider Signing up for Emergency Medical Training

Do you want to go back to school, but are not sure about what courses you want to take? Then why not consider signing up for emergency medical training and launch a career as an EMT? The health industry is continuing to boom even in the face of econ...

Education  education people work choice field training medical want
MMA Workout - 5 Key Components of Your MMA Workout Routine

Are you interested in MMA workout routines? There are lots of MMA fighters present all over the world. There are different things that you need to do to perform better in the MMA fights. Do you know that you need to follow a perfect routine that will...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports workout training routine
Follow the Path of MOST Resistance! Why Weight Training Is The Fast Track To Sculpting Your Body

ow the Path of MOST Resistance! Why Weight Training Is The Fast Track To Sculpting Your Body by: Nick Nilsson Resistance is NOT futile! When it comes to changing your body for the better quickly and permanently, nothing comes close to good old-f...

Health  health training weight muscle youll
Training A Boxer Puppy In Few Simple Steps

Boxer puppies are very gifted when it comes to canines. They are normally considered as family dogs since they have a very singular appearance, are very sharp minded and even tempered dogs. There are many Hollywood movies where boxers have stolen the...

Pets And Animals  pets animals boxer training house dogs train many
Proprioceptive Training: A key to sports success

Proprioceptive Training: A key to sports success by: John D Moore Let’s talk a little bit about proprioception for a minute. That’s a $3 SAT word that means your body’s ability to react properly to external forces. For example: if you ride...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports training proprioception proprioceptive balance sport
How To Fix Problems With The “Fetch” or “Bring” Command.

Hello Adam:I have a chocolate Labrador Retriever (very active) that is being trained (in OPEN class now) and he seems to be regressing since we are working on retrieving.He retrieves very well with the dumbbell, etc., but other dogs in the class do ...

Family  family dumbbell training