828 articles on "write"

How to Quickly and Easily Get Tons of Ultra-Responsive Targeted Traffic

Every successful internet marketer knows that getting hordes of targeted traffic to a website spells the difference between success and failure. To succeed in promoting a website and the products in them or to promote other websites as an affiliate; ...

Site Promotion  site promotion article internet directories hundreds writer logging
And Now for Something Completely Different

Summary: Force yourself to laugh and you will soon be laughing.Have you ever seen Monty Python’s “And Now for SomethingCompletely Different?”This collection of their most memorable skits includes one aboutthe world’s funniest joke.We are look...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation paper joke laughs writes laughter
3 Things You Must Learn From A Copywriter Training

Coming across a text written by an effective copywriter compels you to instant action, and feeling the effect, makes you think of copywriting and enrolling yourself in a copywriter training. Among the many types of writing, copywriting is the most fo...

Writing  writing copywriter copywriters training requirement copywriting written business
How Much Cash Do Ad Copywriters REALLY Make?

Soooo. You're interested in how much ad copywriters actually make, are you? Don't be embarrassed. You can say that you are. Well hand onto your socks, because the average salary of ad copywriters is anything but ordinary. Junior ad copywr...

Writing  writing copywriter people creative copywriters junior make
Summer Anti-Boredom List

Summer Anti-Boredom List by: Deborah Shelton Before summer vacation turns into a boredom fest, sit down as a family and make a summer anti-boredom list. Write down a mixture of long overdue chores that you’ve been meaning to get done, along wi...

Family  family write boredom list youve anti summer
Get The Man Right

Get The Man Right by: Saleem Rana One Saturday morning, a minister could not think of a sermon to write. He simply could not get inspired. He stared out of the window, at the birds splashing in the bird-bath. His mind was blank, as was the sheet...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation sermon write occupied right world could
Morse Code Helps Man Live With Physical Disability

In 1979, eleven year old Steve Harper, unable to speak due to the physical disability, cerebral palsy, had never heard of Morse code and was struggling to communicate with a head stick, symbol board and typewriter. Using these methods made communicat...

Health  health steve unable typewriter discouraged constantly
How to Improve Your Management Procedures’ Usability

In today’s fast-paced business environment, it is important to have effective management procedures to maintain operational efficiency and productivity levels. However, if these procedures are not user-friendly, they can cause confusion, delays and...

Business And Finance  business finance procedures writers documents clear technical written different
How To Identify Your Own Style Of Writing

Writing is an art form, and just like every artist has their own unique style, every writer has their own individual voice. Your writing style is like a fingerprint: it’s distinctive and unique to you. It is the way you string together your words...

Computers And Internet  computers internet writers writing strategy tendency were
Expository Essay

Expository Essay by: Jessica Johnson, jr The purpose of an expository essay is to represent objectively the opinions of other individuals or describe some event or situation. More widely, exposition is a systematic written interpretation or expl...

Writing  writing essay analysis statement writer exposition thesis information