828 articles on "write"

Review Profit From The Author Inside You

Profit From The Author Inside Youby Roger C. Parkerpdf format, 120 pages$37.00I've reviewed a number of eBooks recently, and none of themexcited me, but this one definitely did. If you've ever hadthe slightest desire to write a 'How To...

Writing  writing book parker robert write
The Art of Writing a Check

The Art of Writing a Check by: Jakob Jelling Although it may seem very obvious, many people do not know how to write checks. With the birth of a generation that regularly uses ATM check cards, online bill payment systems, and credit cards more o...

Business And Finance  business finance check write checks date amount
Gratitude: The Secret Behind Creativity

Gratitude: The Secret Behind Creativity by: Nancy Marmolejo When you think of being more creative, what comes to mind? Most people think in terms of artistic skills, but creativity manifests itself in a number of ways beyond the obvious. Picture...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivationk gratitude write creative wonderful when
Professional Copywriters Indisputably Valuable

Whether you're advertising a product or service, producing a newsletter, putting together a brochure, or relaying company news to employees, chances are there's going to be writing involved. Within that writing, you have to convey a message...

Online Business  online business audience companyaposs professional message copywriters write
Review: Profit From The Author Inside You

ew: Profit From The Author Inside You by: Michael Southon I've reviewed a number of eBooks recently, and none of them excited me, but this one definitely did. If you've ever had the slightest desire to write a 'How To' book, ...

Online Business  online business book writing roger parker write from
How Freelancers Can Expand Their Business Using Personal Coaching

Back in 1985 when I first started copywriting, the only helpI could find on the subject were books by Herschell GordonLewis, Bob Stone, David Ogilvy, and a few others. I didn’teven look for books on how to build a copywriting businessbecause it nev...

Writing  writing copywriters business books clients
What a Ghostwriter Can Do for You

What a Ghostwriter Can Do for You. Trust and credibility are vital in creating consumer confidence. Promotional books and articles with your byline are the best kind of confidence-building free publicity, producing results rivaling those of standard ...

Marketing  marketing ghostwriters ideas business ghostwriter
The Seven Jewish Wedding Blessings

Many interfaith/Jewish weddings include the Seven Blessings. I was asked to officiate a ceremony, with a Secular Humanistic non-theistic Hebrew/English version of the Seven Blessings. I searched for a Hebrew version (I found only one or two), and not...

Religion  religion blessings blessing traditional write version seven
How To Write An Ebook, One Article At A Time

It's amazing how long it took me to start my first ebook I didn't think of myself as an author. I knew that information was creating a fortune for others, but who was I to think I could write a book? I knew all the reasons to do it. The tas...

Writing  writing articles started book ideas write realize
What is a Ghostwriter and How Can I Find One to Hire?

A ghostwriter, as one may think is not a writer from another dimension, but rather a well established writer who researches and writes an article on an assigned topic under someone elses name. Not everybody has the luxury of time and space to write t...

Writing  writing time services articles ghostwriters article