1,396 articles about "renting"

5 Ways To Help Your Kids Do Math

5 Ways To Help Your Kids Do Math by: Murdo Macleod Uh oh. Your kids arrive home with their school reports and it's poor marks from the math department. Now what do you do? You may not be a math teacher, but thankfully there are ways you c...

Parenting  parenting math kids life
Let's Read! The Benefits of Reading to Your Children

s Read! The Benefits of Reading to Your Children by: Nicole Niemiec Parents, when you help your children learn to read, you help them open the door to a big, exciting world. As a parent, you can begin an endless learning chain like this: You rea...

Parenting  parenting read children books reading
5 Dynamite Ways to Find Ideas for Parenting Articles

The key to selling reprints to parenting publications is the creation of dynamite ideas followed through with professional writing. Here, I’m focusing only on finding those lucrative topics.Most topics in regional parenting publications are straigh...

Writing  writing parenting topic insurance publications article
Build Character with This Triple A Recipe

Build Character with This Triple A Recipe by: Jean Tracy My mother often said, "You can catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than with a cupful of vinegar." Let's build character by finding out how this applies to parenting. Vinegar o...

Parenting  parenting children kids honey want
4 Ways Of Keep Your Baby Healthy

I am sure being a new parent you have heard all type of advice on how to take care of your baby, some wanted and some not. Everyone has advice on what to do whenever your child is well, but here are some ways to keep baby from getting sick. As new p...

Parenting  parenting baby clean babyaposs
Children Benefit From Karate

The parents of children who are failing in school often guilt themselves about what they may have done wrong, and will agonize about what they can possibly do better. There are many factors that play a part in determining whether or not a child will ...

Parenting  parenting arts martial child little
Raising Children...

When I first became a parent, I remember very clearly my mother advising me to "choose my battles carefully". It was her belief, and soon became mine, that when raising children, you must not put yourself in a position of "dictator". "Growing up shou...

Parenting  parenting path parents they
Being a Jogging Mother - Easy Thing to Say?

The breakout of the economic crisis around the world brought about a lot of changes to people from all walks of life. The stereotypical role of women of being in the house to take care of the baby and maintain the household has been forgotten. Men ha...

Parenting  parenting work people overtime
How To Conceive A Baby Boy - 6 Natural Methods From A Medical Professional

This article will describe the medical professions most accepted system on how to influence the sex of your baby prior to conception through natural methods, and specifically how to conceive a boy, increasing your chances from 50% to 75%. Conception...

Parenting  parenting sperm pregnancy will
Martial Arts For Children

These days, martial arts are something that everyone should know. With crime at an all time high, knowing how to defend yourself is essential. For the children, martial arts can mean a lot of things. Even though martial arts is great for adults to kn...

Parenting  parenting martial arts children defend child self