883 articles on "government"

The Bitch! A Weekly Review of UK News

Well darlings, The new Flamingo has opened here in Blackpool - and what can I say? For someone who makes money from using words, they almost fail me. As a privileged and grateful VIP guest on the opening night I can tell you that it's like step...

Government  government basil flamingo blackpool night over
Double glazing: Your Questions Answered

Concerned about the expense, the installation time and what the final result will look like? Deciding to invest in double~ glazing can be a big decision, but the short and long-term benefits will make it all worth it. Cost The beauty of double glaz...

Home Improvement  home improvement double cost glazing windows government reduce
The Character of a Nation

A nation is only as strong as the character of its people. In a speech just before his historic inauguration as the United State's 44th President, Barack Obama said, "never forget that the true character of our nation is revealed not during time...

Government  government nation character liberty truth people religious
Election 2006: The Illusion Of Choice

Many people think that when they go to the polls on election day that they have a choice of who they can vote for. But do they? As it stands today, we have Republican and Democrats protecting their position of power in the political landscape by snuf...

Government  government party third candidate parties
Book Review: The Bottomless Well: Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy

For anyone who has any interest in energy, its cost, future and the political debate over this precious resource- The Bottomless Well is a must read. This book is an intriguing insight to the other side of what most of us have been led to believe on ...

Government  government energy bottomless book demand
Will Justice Be Delivered To Anni Hindocha?

Newlyweds Anni Hindocha and Shrien Dewani were honeymooning in South Africa when a carjacking went horribly wrong and cut short her life on 13 November 2010. Anni was shot in the neck while Shrien was thrown out of the car unscathed. And the questio...

Government  government anni shrien november short victims
'Big Change' in Elections Smokescreen to Pacify Public

The "big change" called for by Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the new Speaker of the House, is nothing more than a political smokescreen to pacify Americans as, behind the scenes, the New World Order and Illuminati are still firmly in control over U.S. ...

Government  government pelosi questions question world vatican never
Cuba Can Teach Us About Healthcare

As we excitedly wait for film maker Michael Moore's new masterpiece,"Sicko," I decided to do some research on Cuba's healthcare system. "Sicko" spotlights the negligent U.S. healthcare system. In a brilliant example of contrast, Moore take...

Government  government cuba healthcare doctors medical medicine countries other
United Fruit Company in Guatemala - US Invasion For A Bunch of Bananas

Many people are aware of the 'Banana Republics' in the bad old days of Latin America; countries in which international corporations had so much power and influence that the government would be a puppet for foreign corporate interests. In 19...

Government  government united fruit company land guatemala were
Politics Needs Enthusiasm, Not Power

We live in a day and age where doing what is right is no longer right. Politicians are now driven by popularity rather than compassion. It has led to a decline in political enthusiasm. Young people have no desire to vote, better yet pay attention to ...

Government  government politician politics politicians