883 articles on "government"

Hidden Power of Papacy: A Well-Kept Secret

The hidden power of the papacy, advanced through its evil Jesuit Order henchmen, is rarely talked about it America. It's rarely talked about because the media on all levels is firmly controlled by Vatican power, the very evil power destroying t...

Government  government vatican power traitors jesuits other
The Delicate Art of Balancing the Budget

Delicate Art of Balancing the Budget by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Government budgets represent between 25% and 50% of he Gross Domestic Product (GDP), depending on the country. The members of the European Union (Germany, France) and the Scandinavian co...

Business And Finance  business finance budget government budgets economic they
The Gov't Wants You To Be Fat

The Gov't Wants You To Be Fat by: Maya Pinion (Los Angeles, CA) The U.S. federal government may actually be encouraging Americans to be overweight, fat or even obese. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends an adult diet of 2,000...

Health  health grams calories government weight iaposd
Brainwashed - New Generation of American Terrorists

Two men took leap of faith to be trained by al-Qaida jihadists It seems as though Major Nidal Hasan has sparked a new breed of revolutionary terrorists when he went on a rampage, killing 13 Americans in the murderous killings that has become known...

Government  government terrorist qaida somalia connections
Donating Political Radio Advertising

At the end of each political season the powers in congress always suggest that the airways, being owned by the citizens and monitored by the Federal Communications Commission, ought to be free for candidates to broadcast their message. As a twenty ye...

Government  government rate political stations radio commercial candidates
Spin Cycle

It's possible that a seminal moment in the history of electronic news occurred when a comedian confronted commentators... Not long after Jon Stewart host of the Comedy Central cable channel's amusing newscast, The Daily Show appeared on CN...

Government  government news show comedy daily
Federal Government Jobs—7 Important Tips to Help Your Federal Job Search

Federal Government Jobs—7 Important Tips to Help Your Federal Job Search by: Sean Dunagan Despite constant calls by politicians and policy makers to reign in government spending, the federal government remains the largest employer in the Unite...

Business And Finance  business finance federal employees government employment service
Prayer in Schools

Flaws in government fall back on the church, as, divided, we have no voice. Many have mixed thoughts in voting for prayer in schools.Do we want government to teach religion to our children? The next question being, "Which religion?" Once that's...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation children freedom government schools
The Gold Standard Revisited

It has been nearly 40 years since Richard Nixon ended the direct convertibility of the U.S. dollar to gold, putting an end to the international gold-dollar standard established by the Bretton Woods Agreements following World War II. In the pinch of t...

Government  government gold standard monetary they

“We need to abolish advertising for public positions and all parties and lobbies or any corruption that comes from it. I want a penalty of four times the usual and an exclusion from any important job to go along with it in any case of willful corr...

Government  government naive innocent world victimized allow