883 articles on "government"

Start a Business Selling Government Surplus

Start a Business Selling Government Surplus by: Dean Novosat Did you ever wonder what happens to all that government equipment that is purchased each year by federal, state, and local governments? They don’t just throw it away! By law, all unu...

Business And Finance  business finance equipment government items auction local computer
New mortgage rules in Canada could give home buyers good news!

The new rules for mortgages, set by the Federal Government, take effect March 18, 2011. Mortgages will not be available for longer than a 30 year amortization, and you will not be able to re-finance more than 85% of the value of your home. In additio...

Business And Finance  business finance government mortgages ottawa said
The United States Vs. The Rest Of The World The Numbers Are In And They Are Not Good

As Americans, we like to tell ourselves that we are the best in everything we do. The biggest, the fastest, the smartest, etc. And while that may have been a true statement in the past, in looking at a slew of recent statistics and numbers from relia...

Government  government world united states freedom economic countries
Political Marketing, Meet Marketing 2.0

Everyone markets their brand, including Presidential candidates. Whereas in the past, candidates have relied heavily upon volunteers to create a grassroots movement through door-to-door and telephone marketing, the 2008 election has added internet te...

Government  government door campaign donapost candidate election
Watch What You Say!

Repeat after me: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders o...

Government  government states oath united think over
You Pay for Customer Service

The United States has gravitated from an industrial economy, where we produced most of our own goods, to a service economy, where we no longer produce the majority of our own goods. I have been out of college for almost nine years now but always work...

Government  government service customer college worked provide
Hello, hello, hello! The Bitch Explores the Policeman's Top - and Bottom!

Well darlings, From statistics released by the Home Office each year, a league table ranking the performance our 43 police forces is compiled by the Press Association. The Government's Police Performance Assessments rate the constabularies for ...

Government  government police force league local
Journalist Persecuted For Documenting Bush Family Connections to Nazi Regime

The connection between the Bush family and the Nazi regime just so happens to be well-documented in the National Archives and the U.S. Congressional Record. And this treasonous connection, one that should have been dealt with a long time ago, was fi...

Government  government bush buchanan family time treasonous
'Manufacturing Consent' and Hypnosis

Noam Chomsky’s ‘Manufacturing Consent’:When Chomsky speaks about “thought control in a democratic society" is he properly called a Conspiracy Theorist? Is there a real plan that our leaders have? Does it go as far as what FDR said when he no...

Government  government state consciousness hypnosis people over
We Can Change the World

It is important to have some idea of what the nature of the world governance has been before we get into trying to change it. I will present only a small part of the situation in this book because I think I have presented enough of it in other books...

Government  government american foundation other