883 articles on "government"

Single Moms and the Food Stamp Program

Help for single moms, contrary to what many women believe, is not that difficult to come by. The United States government completely understands the predicament of many single mothers across the country. Raising a family on your own without the help ...

Family  family single mothers government states united difficult
Race Relations Between Blacks and Whites In America

The state of relations between Blacks and Whites in the U.S. still suffers greatly, and a lack of recognition and understanding by the public and the government only exacerbates the problem. For decades, the U.S. government has been repeatedly accuse...

Government  government racism these
JFK Conspiracy And Other Historical Secrets

The prophecies of Nostradamus, today popularly believed to be the work of a charlatan, are given new life in Morten St. George's Incantation of the Law Against Inept Critics: A Guide to Cryptic Thinking. St. George discovered that some of the fa...

Government  government prophecies george stanzas president
The Bitch, a Betrayal, and some Bandits!

Well Darlings, Yes, okay then, I'll admit it. Once upon a time - this really is a fairy story, so you'd better believe it! - I did for a short time in my very early schooldays read Mickey Mouse, the comic. It was in the days when many a co...

Government  government time price comic mickey
English Will Always Be The Language Of The U.S.

Our citizens who think English will disappear in our own country are worrying over nothing. People who want to pass laws making it our "official language" are wasting time and effort. I read recently that someone called the United States a "language ...

Government  government english languages people language here
Gender-based Violence

Violence against women violates, impairs and nullifies the enjoyment by women of their human rights and fundamental freedoms. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act t...

Government  government women violence rights human including international
Bag The Best Government Grant

Citizens of USA, especially budding entrepreneurs and women have now got a new found reason to rejoice. Anyone in a mind to set up a business for themselves, or planning for business expansion now do not have to burn the oil of midnight lamps worryin...

Government  government business grants small start existing financial
The Dollar Heyday Is Over

Money Matters December 18, 2003Presented by The Money Management Firm, Inc.www.moneymanagementfirm.com eBay ID: optionsforyouThe Dollar’s Heyday Is OverPAYCHECK GUIDE: The following helpful guide has been prepared to help our employees better under...

Business And Finance  business finance dollar money government gold currency value time
Illegal Immigrants

It is a U.S. Constitutional mandate that the U.S. Congress shall secure the borders of the United States. It appears this was never done and never will be. When the Federal Government failed to do its job and made things worse, it became the respons...

Government  government states them
Ain't No Sunshine (And Solar Power) When The Political Class Is Involved

Singer Bill Withers once sang: "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone." Great song and the inspiration, along with a recent Associated Press analysis, for this article, indicating that there is no sunshine and no solar power when the Federal go...

Government  government solar land energy federal would