883 articles on "government"

reflection of american muslim

REFLECTION OF AMERICAN MUSLIMS.After the 9/11 event, all Muslims are thinking that”What is the future of Islam? ”, especially in America, as we are seeing in Iraq, Afghanistan what is America is doing in the name of terrisiom. While seeing in the...

Government  government muslims islam there
Entrepreneurial Responsibility

What is the difference between an employee and an entrepreneur? Entrepreneurs control their own success. Employees depend on the success of others. Entrepreneurs are responsible for their mistakes and their successes. When they mess up, they must acc...

Government  government liberty entrepreneurs employee control
The Importance of Voting

I often hear people say they don't vote because, they say, their vote wont count or their vote wont matter. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, the bald truth is that even if you don't cast a vote, you just voted. Let me repe...

Government  government vote donapost winner election
Politicians Deficient Math Skills - Ignorance Or Arrogance?

I often wondered if politicians are really that ignorant and deficient when it comes to math skills or are they really good at math but arrogant enough to think that they can tell us anything, math wise, and we are too deficient to understand the mat...

Government  government math deficit year
South African Traitor Sells Story

"Apartheid survivor" Eddie Daniels shares his story with the impressionable young minds of the Maumee Valley Country Day School? [http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID/20061019/NEWS04/610190361&SearchID73260355777026] More like more libera...

Government  government africa blade black south country african
Solving Social Security: Fire the Politicians!

As an investor, I've always wondered why Social Security is such a problem. What's so difficult about managing this particular Trust Fund, and why is it so different from other investment accounts that pay out a constant stream of income? T...

Government  government retirement security social income providers
Government Apathy - A Different View

I have always believed that political apathy starts at the bottom. That is the citizens. They do not go to meetings when issues are being discussed that impact their lives. They do not speak up at the earlyist opportunity to provide input. I recently...

Government  government written apathy lives says someone
Assessing the Adequacy of the Urban Economic Development Process

Commenting on the problems of assessing the adequacy of the urban economic development process, Beauregard (1993) has noted that: “More so than such policy arenas as income maintenance, nuclear deterrence or intergovernmental aid, that of economic ...

Government  government economic development perspective market beauregard
The Government Wants You to Reduce Your Taxes

The Government Wants You to Reduce Your Taxes It is true! The tax laws are written to reduce your taxes, not to increase them. In the U.S., for example, there are over 5,800 pages of tax law. Only about 30 pages are devoted to raising taxes. This le...

Government  government taxes reduce rules understand just
America's Bilingual Crisis

My wife belongs to an Internet group where there was a recent blowup over the insane expectation Americans have about foreigners who visit America's shores. You know the one: the foreign visitors should somehow, as if by magic, be instantly bili...

Government  government wife americans english jazz