883 articles on "government"

The Bitch: Oil and Troubled Waters!

Well Darlings, While I won't trivialise the damage the BP oil leak is causing, or the amount of suffering by the people around the Gulf of Mexico, which will undoubtedly become worse as time passes, I am totally amazed at the almost non-stop vi...

Government  government people world wrong been
The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 16: Bush and Fed Fail to Honor $4.5 Trillion Wanta Deal to Better American Economy

U.S. authorities failed to meet Ambassador Leo Wanta's July 31 deadline to release $4.5 trillion into the economy, forcing Wanta and his AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., to try and repatriate $27.5 trillion in offshore funds. Michael C. Cottrell, treas...

Government  government wanta money financial bush including funds president
Serfs had it better

With our present taxation, you and I control less than 50 percent of what we earn, while a mere majority of our local, state and federal representatives – about 360 people – control more than 50 percent of our earnings. We are quantifiably less t...

Government  government wealth poor people
The Bitch And Broken Promises!

Well Darlings, If the changes to university funding and child benefits are anything to go by, we're in for a very stormy winter. It seems to me, everybody accepts something has to be done about the unsustainable debt the country has amassed, un...

Government  government university hope education were
Political Forum - A Web - Based Discussion Board To Discuss Different Issues

Exactly what are political forums? It is usually a subscription internet site set up to discuss various events, differing opinions and breaking news in the field of national politics. The better forums are the ones which have no political bias i.e. t...

Government  government political forums individuals will
Mark Foley - Gay Congressman Resigns - The Real Deal

Florida Congressman Mark Foley has resigned from Congress amid charges and allegations that he had inappropriate e-mail contacts with a former teenage page in the House of Representatives. So what's the real deal? What's really going on? Yo...

Government  government societyaposs money
The Cold Hard Facts About Government Car Auctions

The public can now enjoy the opportunity of owning United States government-acquired properties and assets including seized, repossessed and surplus vehicles through government car auctions. Increasingly, people find it a benefit to purchase ex gover...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks government cars auctions vehicles also

This article discusses how governments seek public endorsement of their policies through Nationalism. In speeches and on Vietnam memorials it always states that the soldiers, who died, died for our freedom. This is really strange and illogical. We a...

Government  government flag vietnam freedom
America, Land Of The Free, Home Of The Brave!

"But for how long ? !" We send our brave men and women off to fight in a foreign land, while we allow certain anti Christian government officials to little by little chip away and remove the vary "GOD given" freedoms that we sent them off to defend! ...

Government  government right removed they
The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 20: Next Few Days Critical In Whether $4.5 Trillion Wanta Money Repatriated For Americans

The Ambassador Leo Wanta story has been ringing in the ears of high level officials all over the world for the last two weeks ever since President Bush and the Federal Reserve Board refused to honor a $4.5 trillion written agreement to release the mo...

Government  government wanta money trillion