883 articles on "government"

The Wages of Science - Part II

In the absence of efficient capital markets and adventuresome capitalists, some developing countries have taken this propensity to extremes. In the Philippines, close to 100 percent of all R&D is government-financed. The meltdown of foreign direct in...

Business And Finance  business finance science research government capital
Debt Consolidation with Free Government Grants One Scam to Avoid

Have you ever seen a commercial or an ad promising “free government grant money?” According to these ads, the government and other organizations give away nearly one half a trillion dollars each year, and all you need to do is apply! The ads go ...

Business And Finance  business finance money grant interested organizations government
How Would Our Political Class Have Handled The Dog That Mocked Hitler?

imagine how our political class may have handled a historical situation. The specific historical situation was described in a January 7, 2011 Associated Press report. Historians found a set of World War II documents that revealed a weird obsession th...

Government  government german political class
The Bitch: Under Pressure!

Well Darlings, As a youngster, and that was a very long time ago, I regularly saw people walking around with boards proclaiming the end of the world was nigh. Every town and city seemed to have its fair share of these nutcases, and mostly they were ...

Government  government methane planet life
Deceptive Arguments And Specious Reasoning - Political Debate Gone Wrong

There are a lot of ways to win an argument and a lot of ways to deceive others into thinking you've won an argument. There is one set of rules to follow when you have facts on your side and a different set of rules when the facts are not with yo...

Government  government warming global people about
The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 13: AmeriTrust Treasurer Verifies Docs Behind $4.5 Trillion Wanta Deal

Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of the AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., verified all previous statements made by former Ambassador Leo Wanta concerning the $4.5 trillion dollar settlement earmarked for the American people and being illegally withheld in a Ban...

Government  government money bush wanta american financial people
Weird Smoking Laws

As more and more states adopt laws that prohibit smoking in public, crushing the hopes of cigar smokers with the ease of crushing a used cigarette, people everywhere are calling "foul," restraining themselves from telling lawmakers to kiss their ash....

Government  government smoking people cigar allowed
Harmful Spending Habits

A lot of people are quite compulsive where shopping is concerned. In order to maintain a balance between what we earn and can spend, we need to make a budget before buying. We buy things out of impulse not out of necessity, and that is the most commo...

Government  government debt people credit order buying mistakes
One Child Policy Has Nasty Kick Back Effect

China's 30 year-old population planning of only one child, has led to an established preference for boys, as they are more productive on the farm, able to care for their parents in their old age and entitled to receive an inheritance. One 38 yea...

Government  government population china girls
Since Katrina, the Environment Is Front-Page News

Ever since the end of August, when Hurricane Katrina devastated the major American city of New Orleans and the coastlines of Louisiana, Mississippi, and parts of Alabama, the consequences of environmental degradation have been front-page news. Politi...

Government  government natural city katrina energy mississippi