883 articles on "government"

President Bush

Presidents of the United States can only make decisions based on the information they are getting from the people and other sources that are available to them. Different Presidents obtain that data flow in different ways. This is particularly importa...

Government  government president will
The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 7: Former Ambassador Leo Wanta Getting 1.575 Trillion Of Stolen U.S. Funds Back To Treasury

Good news for the American people, courtesy of former Ambassador Leo Wanta, as more than 1.575 trillion dollars is being returned to the U.S. Treasury. Although a rather hefty sum, it is only a small portion of the 27.5 trillion, now more than doub...

Government  government wanta money bush people
Don't Confuse Me With The Facts

These days, speaking with most Democrats is like being "Alice, In Wonderland". Most of them seem to be going under the old saying "Don't Confuse Me With The Facts", it seems that many of their statements are based on emotions instead of reality....

Government  government bush president donapost them
Taking A Look At The The Future of Gun Control

What did the founding forefathers mean when they wrote: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"? Does the 2nd Amendment refer to the right of t...

Government  government right control bear obama
Colors of the American Flag

I would imagine that even before the ink on the Declaration of Independence had dried, the sentences: "Are we gonna have a flag? We gotta have a flag! Britain has a flag!" were echoed by members of the Continental Congress. But then, a flag is import...

Government  government flag itaposs stars
US Marine Kills Unarmed Iraqi

Recent photos from NBC showed a US Marine shooting and killing an unarmed man in Falluja on November 13th. The US Marine had reported to be shot in the face the night before, but was able to continue fighting until the siege was over.The action is no...

Government  government military marine action united
Immigration To America

My wife and I went to Frankenmuth Michigan, the other weekend. We usually go up there once or twice a year. That's where I proposed to my wife, so it holds some sentimental value for us. It is also the biggest Christmas town in America. "Bronner...

Government  government people america reasons
Becoming an Officer in the Air Force

There are lots of career opportunities available these days. You must always try to find out your field of interest. If you want to work for the post of an officer then must make sure that you take necessary preparations for it. First of all you need...

Government  government force officer country
The Bitch Chews Fat!

Well Darlings, Another week, another article, and (I'm afraid) another one of my many locutions: "When we could laugh at fat people, we found we hardly had any. Since those days political correctness has created a nation of them." However, you ...

Government  government correctness people political school they
Generational Insanity - The Stupidity And Greatness Of Each Generation

Every generation has its own style. Each era has a unique vocabulary, its own taboos and its own definition of what is considered cool or hip. Each era has its style of fashion, music and entertainment. Some fads and vocabulary are temporary and some...

Government  government generation society different