883 articles on "government"

UK News reviewed by The Bitch! (a weekly column).

Well darlings, That's the season over again for another year in Blackpool and the preliminary autopsies are already out. It seems it hasn't been a disaster, but it certainly hasn't been that good either. The council and Blackpool Tour...

Government  government blackpool will
Attention Democrats

Attention far left Democrats and all the rest, of you Democrats, who are too afraid of the far left or to hungry for power to stand up for America. Stop insulting me, stop ridiculing me, stop trying to run my life, stop trying to take away my freedom...

Government  government president think believe
Are too many political candidates campaigning in "the Cave"?

Is negative political advertising harmful or helpful in getting political candidates elected today?. This article examines some of the moral highground politicans give up if they sink too low in attacking their opponents. It uses Plato's Analogy...

Government  government candidates glaucon cave
Condi vs Hillary. Get Ready For A Great Political Battle! Maybe?

History is being made on our watch. Maybe. No woman has even come close to being nominated to run for President of the United States by a major party. Geraldine Ferraro ran as VP for the Democrats but she and Mondale lost to Reagan / Bush in a landsl...

Government  government powerful women line compete position most
Paradigm Engineering and History

Those who try to define or somehow limit spirituality end up ignoring its nature and those who accept it blindly assign it virtues beyond its purpose. It is not just religion or metaphysical science which concerns mankind as we try to make sense of ...

Government  government history people point which
Wealthy Countries Richer… but Sending Less in Aid

Forty-five million children are set to die by 2015 if countries like the United States and Britain don’t meet their aid quotas, reports the international agency of Oxfam.Even though countries like those in the G7 are wealthier than they have ever b...

Government  government countries states united will
In Presidential Politics, The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same

As we rapidly approach the end of the second year of the Obama administration, it is a good time take an in-depth look and see if the President delivered on the "change we can believe in" campaign promise. This analysis was prompted by an Associated ...

Government  government administration obama change bush president
California Health Insurance Executives Questioned by Congress

Congress is scrutinizing Health Insurance for California by challenging the reasons that prevent many people from obtaining health care coverage. When the largest health insurance company in the U.S. (WellPoint, Inc.) proposed raising monthly premium...

Government  government insurance health coverage care companies women
The Leo Wanta Sage, Pt. 27: Wanta Confident $4.5 Trillion Will Be Released As Corrupt U.S.Authorities Backing Themselves Into A

According to Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of the financial group waiting to distribute $4.5 trillion to the American people, Ambassador Leo Wanta assured him on Thursday the money eventually will be released, as corrupt U.S. authorities withholding...

Government  government wanta cottrell money
Up and Down the Bush Philosophy

Every president has a political philosophy that guides him and, sometimes, the nation. George W. Bush believes he has divine inspiration to do what he wants to do, when he wants to do it, and to make his subjects adhere to whatever beliefs he holds ...

Government  government nationin political philosophy emptive wants