883 articles on "government"

Government schools vs. parents' rules

Government schools vs. parents' rulesby Kurt St. Angelo@2005 Libertarian Writers' BureauI usually hold up Indiana’s constitution for the libertarian principles that it embodies, such as individual liberty and self-responsibility. However,...

Government  government schools education system state only
Perform Random Acts of Facilitation

Perform Random Acts of FacilitationIf you happen to be a member of any kind of group that meets regularly, I’m calling you to play your part in saving the world from millions of wasted hours in boring, poorly facilitated meetings!PremiseAny partici...

Government  government meeting things
All About Grants for College Students

Grants are a type of student aid that is awarded by the government. Grants for college students do not have to be repaid.Grants are based upon financial need, as calculated by the federal aid program. The first step in applying for government grants ...

College Articles  college articles student grants grant government parent educational
How Would Our Political Class Have Handled The Dog That Mocked Hitler?

imagine how our political class may have handled a historical situation. The specific historical situation was described in a January 7, 2011 Associated Press report. Historians found a set of World War II documents that revealed a weird obsession th...

Government  government german political class
America's Search for Truth

The existence or non-existence of absolute truth is a controversial topic in today's society. Numerous factors, such as increasing multi-culturalism, disillusionment with the church, immigration, globalization, and pluralism have all contributed...

Government  government society principles laws truth them
Are We Up for the Challenges Ahead?

Stagnant economy, burgeoning debt, environmental catastrophe, stretched military, declining resources, aging population, threatening foreign powers, vested internal political interests competing for self-serving ends - the challenges we face are daun...

Government  government world create time nature challenges
Health Informatics Specialists are key to the Obama Health Information Technology Policy

As someone who has been teaching health informatics students for a number of years, it is rewarding to find this discipline finally receiving the attention and interest it demands. Most health experts have agreed for some time that the two academic d...

Government  government health informatics experts care increased
A Bitching Goodwill To All Men!

Well Darlings, I think the newspaper headline of the week, perhaps of the month, has to go to the Independent for: "IT'S THE WAR, STUPID" in the bottom right-hand corner next to a full front page picture of a troubled-looking President Bush. Fo...

Government  government stupid those
Keys to Developing Post Divorce Relationships

Remember the time when we walked down the aisle. This was the most exciting day of our lives. Making the vows to honor and protect, cherish, love, etc., till divorce do us part? This is a common ritual and part of our culture for people that are "in-...

Government  government relationship love relationships divorce
Airlines: One of the Great Innovations

Airlines: One of the Great Innovations by: Frederic Madore Up, up, and away. Do you suppose Orville Wright had any idea of the enormity of his invention? That the world would be forever changed, by the single possible opportunity of flight? Air...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure flight airlines government airline possible today