5,196 articles related to "health"

Finding The Right Exercise Intensity

Finding The Right Exercise Intensity by: Lynn Bode We’ve all heard the exercise guidelines that recommend we participate in 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity 3-5 times per week. That seems easy enough to implement. Or, does it...

Health  health intensity percent heart rate moderate
What is Hepatitis C?

is Hepatitis C? by: News Canada (NC)-Hepatitis C is an infectious virus that is carried in the blood and harms the liver. About 240,000 Canadians are infected, many of whom are unaware that they even have it. The number of people with hepatitis ...

Health  health hepatitis virus people liver visit estimated
Bug Bites… The Itch May Be The Least Of Your Worries

Bites… The Itch May Be The Least Of Your Worries by: Dr. Brian Aw, M.D., and C.C.F.P. (courtesy of News Canada) (NC)-In most cases insect bites are harmless and if left alone, the irritation will subside within 48 hours. However, for some peo...

Health  health impetigo bite recommend scratching skin disease
Exercise The Right Way - The Flat Bench Press

Other articles in this series looked at a number of exercises, mainly from the perspective of developing a comprehensive muscle building program. Sometimes we take things for granted, especially when it comes to performing the basic exercises that co...

Health  health elbows exercises chest directly bench extended fully
Saunas An Effective Way to Detoxify

Do you constantly rage battles with thick smog and toxic chemicals in the big city? Are you desperate for real clean living? We consume toxins daily—from the air we breathe, the food we eat, and even the water we drink. Then, just when we think tha...

Health  health toxins sauna detoxification daily there
Cosmetic Ingredients to Avoid

Cosmetic Ingredients to Avoid by: Lori Stryker Many cosmetics we use every day are made from ingredients that may have adverse effects on our health. These may be derived from animals, microbes or are by-products of petroleum production. They ma...

Health  health sodium ingredients colours derived lori albumin make
Vitamins for the Recovering Alcoholic

Alcohol abuse and addiction take a significant toll on the body, especially on the liver. When alcohol is consumed extensively, it can damage the liver cells and prevent them from doing their job effectively. Consequently, vitamin and mineral absorpt...

Health  health vitamin vitamins alcohol recovery sources important drinking
Principles of Effective Weight Gain

The Principles of Effective Weight Gain As people, we all have different body types and physiques, and as such, weight gain can either be a blessing or a curse. For those who find it hard to gain weight, it can be a never-ending battle that can seem...

Health  health training muscle exercise intensity strength
Under the Knife

Under the Knife: The Risks and Rewards of Surgery Surgery is a common procedure in modern medicine, with millions of surgeries performed every year around the world. However, going under the knife is not without its risks and pitfalls that can cause...

Health  health penis surgery penile pills sizegenetics enhancement from
Russian Kettlebell Workout

Russian kettlebell workouts are a type of strength training that has been gaining popularity over the past few years. This type of workout involves using a kettlebell, a cast iron or steel weight that is shaped like a ball with a handle on top, to pe...

Health  health pavel kettlebell training fitness think russian physical