6,217 articles related to "marketing"


I received two postcards in the mail yesterday. One was cluttered with so much small text I had difficulty trying to read it. I gave up and trashed it.The second postcard had a total of 48 words on it including a website address listed on the bottom ...

Marketing  marketing prospects message generate targeted
Who Is Your Market and Where Are They?

Who Is Your Market and Where Are They? by: Sonia ColonAn important part of planning your business is to know who will use your products/services.The vast majority of small businesses will rely on their communities for sales. It is in your best i...

Marketing  marketing average consumers
Nine Things To Know Before Selecting The Web Host For Your Business

Nine Things To Know Before Selecting The Web Host For Your Business by: Chris Kivlehan It may seem simple yet it is often times overlooked. When it comes to choosing the right Internet hosting provider for their websites, the majority of busines...

Marketing  marketing server host support hosting
Magnetic Branding - How to Attract vs. Acquire Customers

What makes a company brand magnetic one that seems to effortlessly attract customers, revenue, media attention and employees alike? It only requires a look at nature itself to discover the answers. Invisible forces such as magnetism and gravity have...

Marketing  marketing company magnetic purpose begin
The Truth About The Fallacy Of 7

Ted Nicholas is a marketer with a proven track record. He has opened, operated and sold 21 profitable businesses, and is responsible for the direct or indirect publishing of hundreds of books and publications. Ted Nicholas is a well-known and respect...

Marketing  marketing products pricing nicholas over
Look Sharp. Play Sharp.

“Look sharp. Play sharp.” That pithy statement comes courtesy of one of my older daughter’s softball coaches. His teams always had the whitest pants and socks. They didn’t win every game, but they did well – better than expected. And his wo...

Marketing  marketing design logo business identity vehicles
Guest Articles Good for Some, Bad for Others

A recent debate started me thinking about how some marketing strategies can be right for one Web site, but wrong for another depending on the site’s purpose and the underlying reasoning behind the action. If an action doesn’t directly and logical...

Marketing  marketing articles product sites looking information
7 Easy Ways To Increase Sales

"What am I doing wrong?" That's a question business owners often ask themselves when business is slow. Often, the answer is... "You're not doing anything wrong. You just need to do some things better and you need to start doing a few thing...

Marketing  marketing offer business customers prospects
6 Easy Ways to Promote Your Ezine Articles

6 Easy Ways to Promote Your Ezine Articlesby Jinger JarrettIf you think you can't brand yourself because you're not a majorcorporation, think again.You can easily establish yourself as an expert by writingquality articles and submitting the...

Marketing  marketing articles article give publishers find
Design Your Logo Like a Pro

logo is the image which represents a company or its product. Its function is to create a memorable, recognizable impression on the mind of a potential client or customer. A logo is essentially at the heart of a corporate identity. So what makes a "g...

Marketing  marketing logo color logos company