Many of us dread the part during the sales process wherewe have to ask for the order, especially if the customer says"no". What happened? It seemed like the customer was with youall along.They were smiling and nodding their head. What could have gone...
Marketing marketing customer presentation questions willHave these things ever happened to you?You buy a cup of coffee from the neighborhood cafe, and asthey hand you your receipt you get a calling card sized,attractively designed "loyalty record," promising that ifyou come back for 8 more cups anytime wi...
Marketing marketing card purchasesWhen I first started setting up shop online I tried to do whateveryone else was doing. I thought this would make my site,and my online activities, more "net-acceptable". But as themonths went by, and I still had very little action, I decided toabando...
Marketing marketing started iaposm things bannersAll of us are subscribed to ezines that we enjoy and look forward to reading. But how many of us show our appreciation for these ezines. Listed below are 5 ways you can show your appreciation and thanks to the people who publish great ezines.1. Feedb...
Marketing marketing ezine advertising publisher ezines websiteAt the risk of sounding sensational, if you understand theconcepts introduced in this article it could literally mean thedifference between miserable failure and insane online profitsfor your business. I'm not talking about a magical formula tha...
Marketing marketing advertising profits whichYesterday you were a vacuum bag salesman in SouthPiddleville. Today you're the Vacuum Bag King of the Internet!And me? I'm your customer. Maybe.The Through-A-Goose School of Internet Marketing holds that certain e-commerce websites would be...
Marketing marketing vacuum bags iaposm donapost1) AFFILIATE MARKETINGWhen you sell a product, give your customers theoption of joining an affiliate program so they can makecommissions selling your product. This will multiplythe sale you just made.Don't forget to also sell back end products t...
Marketing marketing products product package rights otherIt's the time of the year when I take a break to reflect uponthe year that's been - and wonder about the year ahead. In2001, ezine publishing took a quantum leap, evolving frombeing predominantly an amateur's hobby into the mostpowerfu...
Marketing marketing ezine ezines content advertisingANALYZING EZINESAfter having selected ezines to advertise your program in based onhow the content of the ezines relate to what you wish to advertise,there is still another process to choosing the best ezines for yourmarketing dollars.Analyzing the ez...
Marketing marketing ezine subscribers ezines manyYou have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.BroadProspect Launches the World's First Network of Business Co...
Marketing marketing business connection makers broadprospect seekers network