6,217 articles related to "marketing"

Targeting Your PR Audience

In the world of public relations, there are two ways to go:targeted or non targeted PR campaigns. A targeted publicrelations campaign focuses on a smaller market, a group ofpotential buyers that might be more likely to buy your product orservice. Non...

Marketing  marketing target targeted people companies group market
The Truth About Internet Fishing, er, Marketing

This article is pure gold! Nothing like this has ever been written, norwill be. Learn now the deepest secrets behind making HUGE profitsfrom instant sales.The POWER of the Internet will explode profits right into your bankaccount! Supercharge your sa...

Marketing  marketing making fish marketers
The Trust Factor... How To Earn It From Your Visitors

When you're surfing around on the Web to your favorite sites,what is it about them that makes you come back? What MAKES themyour favorite sites?Good, reliable information? Absolutely. But you never wouldhave gotten to that great information if t...

Marketing  marketing visitors trust
Sell More Books With an E-mail Newsletter

If you're selling your book online, you're practicallyguaranteed to increase sales by publishing an e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine." Why? Well, for a start, it's a super way to givereaders a taste of your expertise and style along withs...

Marketing  marketing book zine tips readers give
How to Write an Article

How To Write An ArticleBy Luther PowellThe first step in writing an article is finding a topic or subject, something to write about.This might seem to be a huge task, but it does not need to be. There are many different avenues to finding a topic. Th...

Marketing  marketing article writing write topic will
The Poop Patrol

If you live in a closed community, such as a condo or residentialcommunity, you know what the term "Poop Patrol" means. These areyour self appointed protectors, who are constantly on the alertfor any infraction of the rules of their community. Hang a...

Marketing  marketing address people remove email
How To Eliminate Your Competition By Being Distinct

So how do you eliminate your competition without bloodshed? To compete with other businesses nowadays (especially online) you need something that nobody else can copy. A one of a kind so to speak! You must distinguish yourself from your competition....

Marketing  marketing product competition offer improve
10 Uncommon Ways To Increase Your Sales!

1. Most people like surprises because it's a changeof pace from their routine. Tell your prospectsthat they'll get a surprise free bonus for ordering.2. Most people want life to be easier. Give yourprospects easy ordering instructions, easy...

Marketing  marketing people prospects product tell
5 Selling Tips To Increase Your Sales

Here are 5 selling tips to help you increase your sales. All 5 work for any business. They're effective for both online and traditional offline marketing. And they won't cost you anything to implement.1. PROMOTE ONE THING AT A TIMEPromote o...

Marketing  marketing sales prospects service product
3 Mindset Changes To Increase Your Sales And Profits

Consumers Are Individual CustomersThe idea of mass marketing to consumers is outdated. Consumers are individuals and deserve to be called customers. The days are gone when marketers can think of consumers as a mass audience to "push" advertising out ...

Marketing  marketing mind product customers consumers think