6,217 articles related to "marketing"

The Expert Advantage- How to Attract Clients with Ease

Get that certificate framed, finish that article, get yourself on a panel. To make your business soar position yourself as an expert. When your potential clients are deciding whom they will do business with, they are less concerned with price. As an ...

Marketing  marketing expertself clients business
All Hits Are Not Created Equal

After all the debate over website design, shopping cartsand credit card processors, every website owner eventuallycomes to the startling realization that they need one morething to survive - website traffic!Without website traffic it's the same ...

Marketing  marketing traffic targeted
Building Credibility of Your Brand Online...and Stay There

In online commerce, credibility is as important to a brand as it is offline. But unlike its offline big brother, the Internet is an entirely different environment made up of bits and bytes, as opposed to physical substances. It imposes a set of const...

Marketing  marketing brand design image color online
How to Make Your Affiliate Program Profitable

You set up an affiliate program for your website and some affiliates signed up. But now you see your affiliate sales are less than delightful.Your first thought may be that affiliate programs don't work, but you know others sites are making them...

Marketing  marketing affiliates affiliate them
Use Your Personality To Make The Sale

In today's society, marketing is very much focused on impersonalforms of communication: the Internet, mass media promotion, andeven bulk mail. When it comes down to it, we are all busy peoplebut we could probably stand a little bit of personal i...

Marketing  marketing sales customer people pitch
The 10 Great Myths of Internet Marketing

Greetings...For the purpose of illustration, let's use the superhighway analogy. Let's think of your business as a hotdog stand located on the superhighway along with millions of other shops, malls, cafes, stores, restaurants and, yes, hotd...

Marketing  marketing myth hotdog itaposs they
..What's The Straight Scoop On MLM Leads Programs...

My friend Tony Rush has a great persepective on what goes in to being successful with leads. With success likely measured by whether you enroll someone... or not....in your primary business. First & foremost understand that "you" are the key variabl...

Marketing  marketing leads company training youaposre program
The REAL, Yet Hidden, Power of Network Marketing

Network marketing is POWERFUL, or at least it can be.Word of mouth is as old as the human race and with the sheernumbers of people online, the Internet has taken that power to newheights.Unfortunately, however, the Internet has hit some all time lows...

Marketing  marketing network people believe
Writing Newsletters Online How to Get it Right

A strange thing has been happening to newsletters online.They have been turning into either a) promotional emails or b) web pages delivered by email.I’m sure you know what I mean. Go back a couple of years and you could look forward to receiving yo...

Marketing  marketing newsletter promotional value newsletters
Recycle Your Articles and Gain Tons of New Subscribers

While there are many effective ways to promote youre-zine and gain subscribers, the one I've had the MOSTsuccess with is to write and submit articles for usein OTHER people's e-zines. "But wait a minute," you say. "Aren't I supposed to...

Marketing  marketing article zine articles publishers