6,217 articles related to "marketing"

Proven Pricing techniques

PROVEN PRICING TECHNIQUEScopyright (c) Pavel LenshinProduct or service pricing on the Net is not as critical asmany of you have heard, yet these pricing techniques areimportant marketing components and should not beunderestimated.Right pricing manage...

Marketing  marketing price market pricing product
What You Should Know Before You Hire an Outside Business Development Partner

If your company’s sales are lacking or you are reaching into a new market, outside business development staff could significantly improve your profits. They are cost effective, very profitable, and can easily expand your existing staff. One caution...

Marketing  marketing sales existing business staff people

Did your high-school history teacher ever explain to you theimportance of taking and keeping class notes? If you followedthis advice, you were likely glad you did when mid-terms camealong. If you didn't take notes, you probably suffered theconse...

Marketing  marketing email notes customers
If your site is not selling, make it sell!

There are more than billions of Web Sites, running Online Businesses, offering products and services. But only a few Web Sites manage to make any sale.Only a few Web Sites are capable of pulling in visitors and turn them into customers. Only a few ar...

Marketing  marketing sites effective visitors online write donapost
Newbies call me a Guru and Gurus call me a Newbie.

Newbies call me a Guru and Gurus call me a Newbie.by James ManniNET Strategies Inc.http://www.inetstrategiesinc.com/Let me tell you what my opinion is of a guru......one who has a greater level of knowledge in a given area or one that understands th...

Marketing  marketing guru internet
Want to broadcast the benefits of your product or service to the world Get on the radio

The radio commercial is often overlooked by businesses trying to sell their products or services, both locally and globally. The reason: a radio commercial is thought to be expensive and difficult to produce. This is simply not true. Dollar for doll...

Marketing  marketing commercial radio advertising will
Pennies On The Dollar - Buying Audio Software Smart. Part 13

MIDI Maestro MM4 http://www.deprice.com/midimaestromm4.htmMIDI Maestro is music software designed for use by amateur and professional music directors, conductors, and soloists in live musical theater and similar musical accompaniment situations. Dyna...

Marketing  marketing midi maestro music views powerful
Why Hire an Advertising/Marketing Consultant?

Why Hire an Advertising/Marketing Consultant? by: Mary Ellen Martelli As a business owner, you have the option of taking several different approaches to handling your Marketing and Advertising. You may choose to handle the responsibility yoursel...

Marketing  marketing time business employee full when
5 Steps to Massive Profits - A Business Marketing Tip

5 Steps to Massive Profits - A Business Marketing Tip by: Steve Majors Here's a business marketing tip to gain maximum profit from any product or service in your business marketing lineup, and how you will gain extreme profits when you foll...

Marketing  marketing business productservice
One Company That "Gets" the Web And One That Doesn't

One Company That "Gets" the Web And One That Doesn't by: Tom Pick While doing some Web strategy consulting work recently for a large office products company, I evaluated several competitors' Web sites. One site Avery.com stood out n...

Marketing  marketing products product example