Safety belt commercials in the United States declare, "You can learn a lot from a dummy!"Of course, in the commercials they are talking about the mannequins they use to simulate what happens to a person in a car wreck. Their point is that seat belts ...
Marketing marketing spam spammer learnTimes Square is a marketeer's ego wall. With more billboards than there is coffee at an AA meeting, Times Square is the Internet's ground zero for spray-and-pray marketing. Definition of spray and pray: (1) in near panic, spray fresh VC fun...
Marketing marketing mail people gift campaign theyFor some businesses, it's almost like making a lifestyle change. A company born online glues itself to the Internet with a passionate belief that it's the way of the future.Conversely, many brick and mortar businesses hold on to their tradi...
Marketing marketing online business offline promotion itapossI am often asked "What is the secret to MLM success?". In thisarticle, I will give you that elusive answer. You might besurprised.First, let's examine your Company:There are some real business builders in your company, right?People who make a lo...
Marketing marketing stupid company makeWe all want to generate traffic and hopefully salesto our on-line business. Probably the best way to do so isby using "Opt-In" Leads. An "Opt-In" lead is where an individual fills out a form on a web site giving theirpersonal information, i.e. name,...
Marketing marketing leads mail donapost leadTrade Shows are a great way to meet prospective clients. Atfirst, it seems like a "walk in the park", and they can be a lotof fun. Many of the visitors to the show are there to see whatis being offered, and to them it is more of a holiday than work.I...
Marketing marketing booth people theyI read an article recently where a direct mail companyplaced an ad offering a crisp $100 bill to anyone that wouldrespond to their offer. But in the ad they said nothing morethan “fill out the form below and return it for your FREE$100 bill.”The ...
Marketing marketing product credibilityDo you want to know the secret of getting thousands of visitors to your web site? Think about it for a minute. If you could get thousands of people to your web site, you could sell more of your products or services. You would be making more money fro...
Marketing marketing visitors people postcardsSo, you have a business card? And you have given it to a few of your friends as well? Great! But did you get those cards to give to your acquaintances or to get business? Are they getting business for you?? That is the key question.Most of us today ...
Marketing marketing business card contact discountNewbies call me a Guru and Gurus call me a James ManniNET Strategies Inc. me tell you what my opinion is of a who has a greater level of knowledge in a given area or one that understands th...
Marketing marketing guru internet