6,217 articles related to "marketing"

Pop-Up Windows A Nuisance or a Gold Mine

Pop-Up Windows: A Nuisance or a Gold Mine?by Karon Thackstonhttp://www.ktamarketing.comHow many times a day do you see them as you surf the Web? Pop-up and pop-under windows have become a widely used marketing tool. But do they work? Are they just a ...

Marketing  marketing window windows ezine
Creative Contests, Profitable Promotions

Conducting a contest (and making sure it succeeds!) requiresa lot of hard work, plenty of planning, and a significantshare of your marketing budget.So why am I recommending that you TRY it?Because when done creatively and none too quietly, it can bey...

Marketing  marketing contest chance business same
Love Your Irate Customers

Love Your Irate CustomersCopyright 2002 lessworkmoremoney.com By Armand MelansonEverybody hates the nit-picky customer who is never pleased.When an irate customer emails or comes in to tell you how badyour service or products are, you want to let the...

Marketing  marketing didnapost customers
Ten Ways to MROIMaximize the Return on Your Investment in Marketing

Permission is granted to reprint article provided bio line is kept intact.MROI means Maximizing Return on Investment. How do we do this in marketing? Track, measure, analyze, strategize. The more data you get, and the more you massage it, the more yo...

Marketing  marketing clients revenue like
Haul In Big Profits on the Internet Frontier

Today I have an expedition for you. In this modern age youand I are the pioneers of the Internet marketing frontier.Our Conestoga wagons, now better known as computerterminals, trek us to new dreams of online riches and abetter way of life. In the da...

Marketing  marketing people internet better
Unleash the International Potential of Booklets to Enhance Your Cash Flow

Does writing a booklet make you an 'authorlette' ? Yes, it does. That is one of several key reasons to write an informational tips booklet - author status as an expert on your topic. It takes much less time, money, and stress to write a bo...

Marketing  marketing booklet from
It's Time To Market With A New URL

Remember the mid-90s when you could still get a great domain namefor your web site? Those days are back.There for a while it seemed like every domain name that was evenremotely good was taken. Investors and businesses snapped upevery domain they coul...

Marketing  marketing domain creative every
The Newsletter Explosion - How to Write a Newsletter Without Doing the Hard Work

THE NEWSLETTER EXPLOSIONHow To Write A Newsletter Without Doing ALL The Hard Work!By Michael GreenNewsletters have become an increasingly popular way to communicate and it isn't hard to see why.Back in the days when printing was the only method ...

Marketing  marketing newsletter interview editor editors
Marketing Strategies For Now!

Never, I swear to you, never did I think, antipathetic as I am to all things reeking of MLM, that I'd ever share this with you. And yet success principles simply are. Here are the marketing strategies that took Amway (to think I'd even ment...

Marketing  marketing thereaposs
10 Ways To Conjure-Up Some Hidden Profits!

1. Sell more back end products to your existingcustomer base. You already created rapport, trustand proved your credibility to them.2. Make it a practice to up sell to new and existingcustomers. After they decide to buy one product,offer them another...

Marketing  marketing costs product businesses cost spend