6,217 articles related to "marketing"

7 ways to promote your new website and get targeted traffic within minutes of it going live

by Richard Wassellwww.websitemaintenance.com.auYour website can’t be the valuable marketing tool you want it to be if nobody knows it exists. It can have all the ‘bells and whistles’ and look fantastic, but if nobody can find it is really just ...

Marketing  marketing address customers internet ways
If the Shoe Fits…

While buying a good quality pair of shoes may seem like something pretty obvious, it’s not as easy as it sounds when you actually get into the store. Sure, style and looks have something to do with the right shoes, but there are a lot of other fact...

Marketing  marketing shoe shoes foot
How To Turn Freebies Into Sales

You can increase sales and profits by offering freebies to people who buy your main product or service. They increase the over all value of your main offer and in return people feel they're getting more for less. It's important that you hav...

Marketing  marketing offer product service freebies people main
10 Ways To Keep Your Sales Above Water!

1. Sign-up to win web site awards. When you win,some award sites publish your web site link, nameand description on their site.2. Join online business associations or clubs. If youjoin, they will usually list all their members on theirweb site. It wi...

Marketing  marketing business design guarantee
Geek Speak II - The Awakening

Geek-Speak or techno-babble is pervasive. It seems that we are soimpressed with our technical knowledge and expertise that we forget ouraudience. As I stated in my first article "Geek- Speak," it is importantto simplify, simplify, simplify. This appl...

Marketing  marketing computer salesman
A Quick And Simple Way To Quadruple Your Online Sales Within 3 Months Or Less

I am a non-techie book coach who has been in business for 20 years, but only online for 2 years, and only selling ebooks and special reports for 3 months. In just 3 months I manifested amazing online profits. In the first month, my ebooks sold $75. T...

Marketing  marketing online month sales people years willing
Show Me The Money!

Show Me The Money! by: Wilson Davalos Do you wan to increase you sales? Are you serious about making money on the internet? Of course you do or else you wouldn’t be reading this article. Okay the first time I heard about an autoresponder I did...

Marketing  marketing autoresponder customer them
Don't Be Like Needle Nose Ned

In the 20 years since I was in college I have read a lot of books and articles on how to sell and I've attended a lot of sales classes and seminars. I've even taught a few classes and I've written a few articles about it. In this time...

Marketing  marketing interested sell
Are You Guilty Of Interruption Marketing?

Are You Guilty Of Interruption Marketing? by: Don Pooley You muted the commercials on the TV last night because you were fed up with interruption marketing. Ditto if you went through your mail to find most of it is junk. Ditto again, if a strang...

Marketing  marketing permission interruption phone call
Emotional Marketing - Stimulate Your Prospects Into Buying

Emotional Marketing - Stimulate Your Prospects Into Buying by: Abe Cherian The secret is creating low cost advertising that compels customers to come to you. Using a simple system of direct mail letters, postcards, email and low cost newspaper a...

Marketing  marketing business people emotional