951 articles related to "pets and animals"

Making Sure That Disabled Dogs Can Still Enjoy Life

One of the major reasons for a dog to be considered as man's best friend is the fact that this animal can feel the same emotions that humans do. It may be happy, sad, and angry same as its master. As a matter of fact, it may even sympathize with...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs master
Finding the Best Pet and Best Friend

Finding the Best Pet and Best Friend by: Dakota Caudilla With the current number of puppy producing mills everywhere in the world, it’s an understatement to say that it’s DIFFICULT to find a genuine pet dog belonging to a genuinely friendly ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs other
How To Grow Daphnia For The Aquarium

How To Grow Daphnia For The Aquarium by: Alden Smith The benefits of feeding live food to fish in a community tank are many: live food will improve vigor and color, and more closely resemble the food found in the fish's natural habitat. Liv...

Pets And Animals  pets animals daphnia live food fish water
Choicest Of Pets Available On Discount

Pets are the best friends who never demand a thing but are always there as companion when in need. With more and more people relying more on pets for love and company, the demand for pets is increasing day by day. And why should it not? Pets are so c...

Pets And Animals  pets animals stress people
Pros and Cons of Buying Pet Medicine Online

Pros and Cons of Buying Pet Medicine Online by: Burke Jones Pets are many things in many ways but they are not responsible. Not outside of very limited doggy parameters. This means that you are 100% responsible for your pet's health. In thi...

Pets And Animals  pets animals online only
Bee Keeping for Beginners: 4 Essential Pieces of Equipment You Can't Do Without

Are you looking into the bee keeping hobby craze? The allure of this hobby is that it is challenging, exciting, and even a little dangerous all at the same time. There are those going in with the intention of gaining a bit of pocket money, while othe...

Pets And Animals  pets animals hive from
Choosing a Bed for Your Dog

Choosing a Bed for Your Dog by: Charles Kassotis Does your dog enjoy sleeping with you at night? Although cuddling with a pet can keep owner and dog warm and snuggly, keep in mind that most animals are not as clean as people, nor do they always ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals sleep time
Before Your Pet Is Housetrained - The Inevitable Clean Up

I once heard one of Frank Muir's stories on that old BBC radio programme My Word! For his story, Frank was attempting to "explain" the origin of "The more haste, the less speed" and did so by turning this phrase into "The more Hayes'd, the ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals mess paper
Have Pet ... Can Travel

Have Pet... Can Travel by: Gerry Neustatl If you are reading this, I guess you have a pet, need a holiday and don't want to waste your next hard-earned break watching round-the-clock rubbish on televsion. In days gone many pet owners simply...

Pets And Animals  pets animals boarding holiday
Designer Dogs' Clothes

If you own a dog you realise that some dogs need to wear dogs' coats. It is not just a matter of the owner of the dog wanting them to look silly or making her feel prettier or showing the dog off or making the dog uncomfortable. Yes with very la...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs from