951 articles related to "pets and animals"

Pet Beds-Tips on Choosing the Right Bed for Your Dog or Cat

As a pet owner, one of the best investments you can make is a pet bed. It will provide your pet with protection in the winter from the cold floor, and give them the proper support they need to get a good night's sleep. Some older pets need the r...

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Hermit Crabs Information For Beginners

If you are new to the world of the pet crustaceans, then you will find that there is a lot of hermit crabs information to be digested before you even begin to think about buying one as a pet. This tiny crustacean hails from the tropics and is quite u...

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Pet Cat Care and Health

Proper pet cat health care is really the only means of preserving your cats health and well-being. In the event you are unsuccessful, your feline companion will get sick and die. Certainly, you do not wish for this to occur so you need to practice th...

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Explore Dog Information Website And Gain Insightful Knowledge!

Your pet animal can act as your beloved companion, especially at times when you are lonely or depressed. They are absolutely adoring and compassionate animals, and if trained in an appropriate manner can become an obedient pet. While preferring a cat...

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The Brahma Chicken - Popular For Over A Century

The Brahma chicken has fans around the world. The country of origin is said by most authorities to be India, which goes with the name and its popularity in English speaking countries. These birds are bred for show and for utility, which means meat an...

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Improving Quality Of Medical Service With The Right Veterinary Clinics

Animals are always a comforting presence to have around. This is why many people choose to have pets. These animals act as a solace and help them overcome difficult times and ease the stress on their minds. However, like all living creatures, animals...

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Training For Puppy

When it comes to training your puppy or teenage dog, usually the same concept applies. If you are not consistent with showing your pet right from wrong, you will always have problems. Whether its teaching them to pee outside, or to sit and stay in on...

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Petting For Your Health

Scoop and Au rule our home. Frightfully glamorous with their soft sparkling clean striped coats, they graciously allow us to serve and pet them, in return for which they provide us with company ~ and the occasional present of a dead mouse or rat. Wh...

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Questions to Ask When Choosing a Dog for Family Life

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Dog for Family Life by: Shannon Emmanuel Dog’s come in all shapes and sizes – out of all the dogs you’ve ever met you’ve probably been more attracted to some breeds than others. Perhaps you had a dog when...

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Things To Understand First In Heading Camping Together With Your Dogs

Within the U.S. alone, more than 30 million people every yr take their pets with them although camping. But, when we initial started RVing with our dogs, we were unable to discover a lot published around the subject. Sure, there were the occasional c...

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