951 articles related to "pets and animals"

Uncover the Facts Today About Cheap Dog Food Products

Did you know that some dog foods on the supermarket shelves could be detrimental to your dog's health? Learn the secrets today to what to look out for in cheap dog foods. When you are looking for ways to keep your dog healthy then what you feed...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs foods food when
A Dog Health Advice that Bites

By stumbling on this article, it just proves that your dog's health needs is really important to you. Having the basic knowledge or more in proper dog care is very important in keeping your pet healthy. This will also increase your dog's ch...

Pets And Animals  pets animals health water care
A Brief Introduction To Canine Seizures

There are several different types of canine seizures that you may want to know about. A partial only affects a small area or just one side of the body. The most common type is a grand mal. The dog will fall over, go into convulsions, salivate, urinat...

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Does Your Dog Miss You Too Much?

Does Your Dog Miss You Too Much? by: Blake Kritzberg Your dog seems to be driving you up the wall lately, exhibiting serious behavior problems and no amount of verbal correction seems to work. She chews the furniture, gnaws on shoes, turns over...

Pets And Animals  pets animals behavior home
How To Get Organized For A New Pet

How much is that doggy in the window? Or better yet, how much is it going to change your life? Whether you are single in the city or married with kids in the 'burbs, adding a pet to your family is a major decision that goes way beyond their ador...

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What Should You Know About Your Dog Before You Start Training?

What Should You Know About Your Dog Before You Start Training? by: Ray Coleiro In order to train your dog perfectly, you need to know him well – his needs, behavior, as well as moods. If you comprehend clearly the “world” of the Dog you wi...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs train training
The Brahma Chicken - Popular For Over A Century

The Brahma chicken has fans around the world. The country of origin is said by most authorities to be India, which goes with the name and its popularity in English speaking countries. These birds are bred for show and for utility, which means meat an...

Pets And Animals  pets animals brahma color
Three Simple Steps For A Healthier Dog

Three Simple Steps For A Healthier Dog by: James DeFazio We all want what is best for our pet. Yet sometimes because of your hectic schedules, we tend to put our dog’s care at the bottom of the list or it just becomes a habit of chores we perf...

Pets And Animals  pets animals food dogs water natural will
Choosing The Best Pets For Kids

Choosing The Best Pets For Kids by: Larry Chamberlain "Can I have a puppy? Please, oh please, I'll take care of it and look after it and everything" Just what do you say to your kids when they ask for a pet? It is perfectly true that growi...

Pets And Animals  pets animals child
Top 5 Best Gifts For Your Pets

Top 5 Best Gifts For Your Pets by: Christine Arbor Most individuals or families view their pets as a member of the family as well. That said there is no reason why they should not be included in birthdays, Christmas or any other holiday for that...

Pets And Animals  pets animals gift