Style sheet languages such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Langauges) are widely known for their use in website design, particularly in website layouts as well as effects. According to many experts in web usability, sty...
Web Development development languages style sheet design tablesIf you want your website to start dominating the search engines for certain keywords, the first step is doing On Page SEO. The fact is that if your own website is not correctly optimised for keywords, then the effectiveness of any off page SEO will b...
Web Development development keywords rule optimised willCommissioning a new eCommerce Website is a process that demands answer after answer to questions that before you begin you may not be prepared for. One of the most fundamental choices that you must make is in selecting the payment method for your sit...
Web Development development payment paypal hosted cardAJAX is a unique programming language that can be used on various types of operating systems and web applications that is based on DOM and Java Script. It uses client-side scripting for exchange of important data, making it one of the strong approach...
Web Development development ajax application server interface usedWeave Your Own Web by: A. Raymond Randall Many elementary school children know the miracle of Charlotte's Web. Weaving the words "Some Pig" into the center of her web, Charlotte keeps Wilbur from the frying pan. E.B. White's story prov...
Web Development development wilbur charlotte plan knowHave you ever known someone who has blind faith to a religous sect or self-improvement group and has been takenin by a charismatic leader? The devotion to the cause is seemingly blind and support in donated time or financial contribution exceeds all ...
Web Development development links link linking theyWe all know it's good practice to put in-context keywordsinto page titles, meta tags and alt tags. But here are a few places you may not have thought about.1. Tables - You're most likely familiar with what a table tag looks like. They gener...
Web Development development file keywords tags areasEliminate Guesswork and Increase Conversion Part 1 Many companies hire a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) expert or firm simply to increase their monthly visitors without considering the quality of those visitors. The end result is decent rankings ...
Web Development development visitor visitors target phrases qualityThis is part one of ten in this search engine positioning series. In part one we will outline how to choose the keyword phrases most likely to produce a high ROI for your search engine positioning efforts. Over this ten part series we will go throug...
Web Development development phrases searches keywordYou've seen the ads: Guaranteed #1 Ranking! There are no guarantees in search engine marketing and website promotion. If anyone tells you different, you should check quickly to make sure they don't have their hand in your wallet.Suppose you...
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