1,367 articles on "customer"

Customer Database and its Role in the Expansion of your Business

A customer database is a very important asset for any type and size of business and it plays a great role in its successful handling. It is basically a great marketing tool that can be used to empower your business and helps in reaping great benefits...

Business And Finance  business finance database customer important helps customers
Wielding Customer Service Tools To Ensure Customer Satisfaction In Your Business Establishment

A lot has been said about customer service and its power to harness the much needed revenues in a business establishment. Many organizations have now started realizing the importance of customer satisfaction and are embracing customer service tools t...

Marketing  marketing customer service tools agent care important happy
Amazing Christmas Offers On Smart Phones For UK Customers

It is not just a great surprise but it gets better than the surprise for those mobile phone users who have been waiting for smartphones to become reachable within their budget. With Christmas not very far, the Mobile Phones companies are now offerin...

Gadgets And Gizmos  gadgets gizmos mobile christmas phones offering customers phone great
The Rise in Social Media Marketing

Are you keeping up? Over the last few years social media has grown and grown, with Facebook and Twitter dominating the space. The popularity has not only grown among consumers it is slowly taking over all aspects of business life too, with marketers...

Marketing  marketing social media facebook grown customers research leader
EXTRA! EXTRA! - California Newspaper Publishers Association selects gomembers’ e-communicator

[Herndon, VA] gomembers, Inc. (http://www.gomembers.com), is pleased to announce that the California Newspaper Publishers Association (CNPA: http://www.cnpa.com) has selected gomembers’ e-communicator, a web-based promotional broadcast and email pu...

Computers And Internet  computers internet gomembers solutions member products software gomembersapos customers
Mesmerizing Ways To Reinforce Your Profits

1. Anticipate any objections your visitors may haveabout your product offer. You must research yourtarget audience's needs and wants.2. Remember not to use outrageous or unbelievableclaims in your ad copy. People are too savvy onlineand won&apo...

Marketing  marketing product people business purchase customers
Drop Your Price to Make the Sale - Without Getting Burned!

Competition is tough these days. Consumers and businesscustomers know you have competitors who will charge a lowerprice. In fact, they don't even have to check.Customers have learned they can ask you for a lower price andoften get it. If you don...

Marketing  marketing price offer give additional drop customer
Is IT Hurting Your Organization's Performance and Competitiveness? Conduct an IT Customer Satisfaction Survey to Find Out

Poorly performing IT support services, hardware, software and networks may be costing your organization a bundle in terms of lost productivity, poor customer service, frustration, lost business and other issues negatively impacting company performanc...

Business And Finance  business finance surveys employees performance customers services customer
The Great American Customer Service Unawareness Campaign

The Great American Customer Service Unawareness Campaign by: Tim Knox Q: I'm so sick of you so-called business experts always saying the customer is always right. This is my business, not the customer's, so I'm the one who's ...

Business And Finance  business finance customer service paul them
10 Mind Blowing Ways To Increase Your Sales

ind Blowing Ways To Increase Your Sales by: Larry Dotson 1. Show your prospects how much enthusiasm you have for your product and business. If you're convincing enough, they will be enthusiastic too. 2. End your sales letter or ad copy with...

Business And Finance  business finance give prospects customers will