These days my work is mostly on the Internet. But there's one principle that I use nearly every day. And I learned it from my dad almost 40 years ago in a very different line of work.My father ran a plumbing shop in the competitive western Chica...
Business And Finance business finance work hammer iaposm floor(Florida) June 7, 2004 Adult actor and director Santino Lee is going to be "waxing Phat, juicy, round rump ass" on simulcast radio and live video feed via, marking a return to the scene after a hiatus of two years.The appearance will be ...
Computers And Internet computers internet live chat radio video iaposm phatI'm tired of Ten O'Clock Charley. (MASH fans will get theconnection.) Charley is the twit that inevitably sends me 4-6 virusesby email a day or two after my newsletter is published. My anti-virussoftware picks them off like mosquitoes attac...
Computers And Internet computers internet tired iaposm spywareWhen I first started setting up shop online I tried to do whateveryone else was doing. I thought this would make my site,and my online activities, more "net-acceptable". But as themonths went by, and I still had very little action, I decided toabando...
Marketing marketing started iaposm things bannersYesterday you were a vacuum bag salesman in SouthPiddleville. Today you're the Vacuum Bag King of the Internet!And me? I'm your customer. Maybe.The Through-A-Goose School of Internet Marketing holds that certain e-commerce websites would be...
Marketing marketing vacuum bags iaposm donapostThe Courage To Succeed! by: Patrick Curl The hardest part of success is the courage you need to succeedwhen you think: "I'm afraid to talk to people.", or "I'm a loser, nobody in their right mind would follow me.", or "I could never do...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation stepself image iaposmI'm sure we all suffer from fear of rejection. I'm sure we all notice others suffering from it too, from time to time. And even though we understand that they're having this fear, we probably still don't think we'd respond t...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation rejection iaposm aboutBut First - A Quick Word Before I Squash a Bunch of Traffic "Myths" That You've Been Led to Believe, As Well As Revealing The True Difference Between Making Pocket Change Online - Or Making a Fortune... If you're naturally skeptical like m...
Site Promotion site promotion iaposm making trying differentI was seeing my younger brother (we're quite a few years apart), as I'm prone to do. He's a great kid. When he smiles, you've gotta smile along with him. It's just impossible not to.But this is about one time he got on my ne...
Marketing marketing iaposm message repetition willIt's back-to-school time once again, and purple is IN. I'm not talking about fashion trendsthough the September issues of most magazines are singing the praises of plum and berry shades. No, I'm referring to the hottest item at Office ...
Kids And Teens kids teens purple color itaposs pens iaposm