1,396 articles about "renting"

Child Obesity - Consequences Of Obesity and Parents Guide

A number of children have abused their bodies and their health, but don't even know that they are doing so. They simply eat a lot of fast foods that they want to eat without even thinking what effect it would have on their body and weight. Some ...

Parenting  parenting obese risk people
What 3 Greatest Gift You Can Give To Your Children by Co-Parenting?

What 3 Greatest Gift You Can Give To Your Children by Co-Parenting? by: Ruben Francia A successful divorce is one in which the parents divorce each other but do not require the child to divorce one of the parents, either as a result of parental ...

Family  family parenting children divorce parents
Baby is Coming, Are You Ready?

Baby is Coming, Are You Ready? by: David Kunstek It has been a long pregnancy. You are probably tired and feeling worn more often then not. But, are you prepared for baby's arrival? Do you have all the baby clothes, baby furniture and beddi...

Parenting  parenting baby donapost help
Help! My Kids are Overweight!

Help! My Kids are Overweight! by: Diana Keuilian Identify the Problem and Find a Solution to your Child’s Weight Gain. If you have recently found yourself fretting over your child’s waistline, you are not alone. The youth of today are fatter...

Parenting  parenting children kids energy problem
A New School Year

A New School Year by: Kimberly Chastain Depending on where you live school will be starting this month or next month. A new school year is usually exciting and scary at the same time. Most children won’t admit it, but they are ready to get bac...

Parenting  parenting school children pray they
4 Tips for Fostering Independence In Your Toddler

One of the most important things we can teach a child is independence. This especially holds true in today's society, where there are so many distractions and temptations that call to young people as they grow, and the only real way to minimize ...

Parenting  parenting think teach child
5 Ways to Encourage and Nurture Imagination in Your children

Imagination is as essential to a child's development as logical thinking and math or science skills, perhaps even more important. If you think about it, any time you are faced with a problem, at any stage of your life, it is imagination that hel...

Parenting  parenting imagination they
A New Moms Very First Month

The very first thirty days with your new baby can be a time of pleasure and change. The pair of you are getting to know one another and very quickly you'll fall into a pattern that works well for both of you. Yet as you are perfecting that routi...

Parenting  parenting baby time healthy
Baby Led Weaning Onto Solids - What Your Baby Needs

Have you reached that stage with your baby when it is time for weaning onto solids? No need to worry, it can be so straightforward. Baby led solids/weaning is something you must look into! Child-led weaning onto solids is not some thing new. For yea...

Parenting  parenting food baby weaning child when
Saving For The Arrival Of A New Baby

When you are bringing a new life into the world, one of the first things you might consider is how you will be able to cope financially - in which case, you could come to the conclusion that saving sooner rather than later will stand you in good stea...

Parenting  parenting available time