Array ( [about] => marketing [p] => 175 )
Copywriting Makeover: Making An Emotional Connection - Part 1 of 2 by: Karon ThackstonOne statistic shows that over 80% of all buying decisions are emotional. That means your copywriting should be, too. This is something I firmly believe in and ...
Marketing marketing vacation cruise visitors aboutMarketing by: Phil Basten Want to get more signups for your newsletter, ezine, downline club, optin list? Want to make more sales for that special product or service you are offering or, get more paying members for that new program you just joi...
Marketing marketing story write subject readers aboutNegotiating Tactics: Don’t Let ‘Good Guy – Bad Guy’ Control the Sales Negotiation by: Richard Cunningham Counter one of the classic negotiating gambits by addressing it directly. You’ve assembled a brilliant sales proposal for a new cl...
Marketing marketing negotiating dawson tactic whenWhat is MLM ? by: Fernando Soave Multilevel Marketing is one of the fastest growing yet most misunderstood methods of moving products in use today. It has been termed by many as the Wave-of-the Eighties. But, it will go far beyond that. By the ...
Marketing marketing sales direct products multilevelChicken Little and the Disintermediation Myth by: Paul Shearstone If Chicken Little were alive today he wouldn’t be running around forewarning us of the sky that was about to fall. He’d be too preoccupied alerting everyone about another pote...
Marketing marketing commerce informationIn direct mail, you have a formidable enemy—the wastepaper basket. Your prospects take one look at your mailing envelope and decide if they will open it or fling it into the trash can (or recycling box). One way to persuade them to open your envelo...
Marketing marketing envelope size open prospects nameBranding: It’s more than a logoBy Julie ChanceHow clear is your image in the minds of your potential customers? How can you bring that image into focus? Defining, developing and maintaining a brand identity is the key.The word “branding” is fre...
Marketing marketing logo brand branding image aboutStuart from Colorado had talked to a number of marketing firms and gotten estimates for designing and printing his marketing materials and building a web site for his business producing promotional cds. One firm quoted $100,000 to build his web site ...
Marketing marketing prospects strategy people fromMaslow’s Marketing FilterOne of the basics of all marketing and advertising training is a teaching of “Maslow’s needs pyramid”. This pyramid shows the different motivators and needs in a person’s life and how they are built one upon the oth...
Marketing marketing needs personal training fitness pyramid consumersJoint Venture Marketing can take many forms and if done properly, can significantly enhance your business. Don't let the name fool you, you have already been a consumer of a number of joint venture marketing promotions. Have you ever purchased ...
Marketing marketing joint venture members create ability