Most parents put their hand up and say, "Yes, me too!" Exhausted from a day of nagging, yelling and demanding your children do things faster, better, or do something at all, you flop into bed and wish for more peace in home. With your head churning, ...
Parenting parenting parent family things parentsThis is a scary place to be because once you start to suspect your teen is using drugs it forces you to begin making choices we normally would not want to make. The implications of "what if I am right" can be enough to send a parent over the edge. B...
Parenting parenting testAre You Addicted to Your Children? by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Is it possible to be using our children addictively? Anything that we use to get love, avoid pain, and fill up inner emptiness can become an addiction – even our children! If your chi...
Parenting parenting children life other10 Simple Ways to Say, “I Love You” by: Rondi Hillstrom Davis and Janell Sewall Oakes We’re teaching our kids to be consumers at an early age. Look at the number of superhero and product endorsement Valentines on the store shelves. We, as...
Parenting parenting family kids write member articleReal Dangers to Kids Online and How to Avoid Them by: Joshua Finer Did you know 1 out of 5 kids has been sexually solicited online 1 out of 4 kids has been sent a picture of naked people or people having sex online that May 21, 2002 there was t...
Parenting parenting child internet childrenThe Truth About Layettes by: Kirsten Hawkins Recently, I was at a baby shower for a young friend of mine who is expecting her first child. Most of the attendees were college friends of ours, and almost no one in the room has had a child yet. Nee...
Parenting parenting baby cribBeing a parent is life changing and though the rewards are absolute, the challenges are forever changing. Today our family structure typically involves both parents working and with extracurricular activities, lessons and camps, time has become a com...
Parenting parenting time children schoolAs if our teen children did not already have enough places to get in trouble that we as parents have to continuously monitor and worry about, the cyber highways of the Internet have created even countless other areas for teenagers to misbehave in. No...
Parenting parenting parents takePicky Eater Coping Needs To Be a Family Affair by: Jason Katzenback Why does it seem that the pickiest of eaters always try to pass themselves off as the latest upcoming culinary critic? It is especially annoying when you have spent a couple of...
Parenting parenting childrenTips for Buying Baby Gear by: Eric Koshinsky Buying baby gear can be a frustrating experience for new parents who want to have the best for the baby without breaking their budget. You need to buy baby furniture, such as a crib or bassinet, a cha...
Parenting parenting baby also