1,369 articles related to "parenting"

Is A Baby Allowed To Play In Its First Month?

Is A Baby Allowed To Play In Its First Month? by: Amy Fadden What should you do to have a happy pregnancy? Many things you could do, but what most pregnant women rarely do is having a vacation. Get a life and try to relax a little bit. Or take a...

Parenting  parenting time baby will
Teaching Ways For Kids To Make Money

Teaching kids the importance of earning money is just as important as teaching them the value of it. When they start to earn allowance, they are learning the value of money. They learn to save up their money and how to be choosey about spending it. S...

Parenting  parenting money kids learn child
Parents And Perfection

When did parenting and perfection becomes synonymous? How often have you heard someone say that their parents really screwed them up? This seems to be the standard cry of our society today. I struggle with this on two levels. The first level is I...

Parenting  parenting children life
For Parents: How To Deal With Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry is almost common to parents with more than one child. Not only exclusive to young children, sibling rivalry even extends even to children's adulthood. For the parents, if you hear the fighting and bickering happening, let each c...

Parenting  parenting child when
Does Your Teen Need to Go to Boot Camp?

Who'd be a parent today? Teenagers can be just the most difficult of human beings. Of course that's not true of all kids as many teens do their parents proud and turn out as capable and decent adults. But you don't need to look too ha...

Parenting  parenting teen they
Raising Kids

All parents will want to do the best for their children but how do you know if you are an effective parent? Regardless of whether you are a new parent or that you have a few children, parenting might not come easy for everybody and there might also b...

Parenting  parenting child
COMMITMENT: Teaching Children the Lessons of a Lifetime

COMMITMENT: Teaching Children the Lessons of a Lifetime by: Jeffrey M. Miller It's been said, time and again, that for a child to learn what is most important, he must be shown the lessons through example, not through words. And, if we are ...

Parenting  parenting children child important
Day Trips For Kid

Summertime is almost right here and it's time to begin making plans for your holiday. Day trips can be entertaining and not nearly as exhausting as a week or week's lengthy holiday. A day journey also permits your little one to resume his n...

Parenting  parenting time right
Three Ways That The Happy Child Guide Will Help You With Child Disciplining!

If you are being affected by child disciplining problems, there is a strong likelihood that the happy child guide can assist you. An essential factor to take into account, prior to us starting, is the fact that it can be best to keep a receptive imag...

Parenting  parenting child children fact
Who's Teaching Your Child About Money

Who's Teaching Your Child About Money by: Valerie Mills Managing money is one of the most critical skills we must master to function effectively as adults. Yet, although public schools address the subject of money using math examples, teach...

Parenting  parenting child money financial show