Array ( [about] => parenting [p] => 131 )
Are Your Children Growing Up Too Fast? by: Kimberly Chastain Each time our children graduate from one stage to another (i.e. crawling - walking, preschool - school, highschool - graduation) we as parents are excited and a little sad as well. We...
Parenting parenting children time want"You Make Me Sick" and other things Parents Say in Anger by: Patricia Gatto Maryann is so focused she's blind. She's slipped over the edge of responsibility and forgot the real reason she is working so hard. It's for her daughter....
Parenting parenting child words whenReal Dangers to Kids Online and How to Avoid Them: Top 5 Internet Safety Tips by: Joshua Finer The Real Dangers to Kids Online and How to Avoid Them Did you know 1 out of 5 kids has been sexually solicited online 1 out of 4 kids has been sent a...
Parenting parenting internet online child nameThere’s never a bad time to baby-proof your home, but parents who plan to do it should get it done before their child starts crawling. Childproofing your home involves looking at it in a new way. Some household items you use frequently will need to...
Parenting parenting child baby children water themThe Crucial Role Of The New DAD by: Rosslyn Vroom Loving and caring for our babies is the most important thing we can do. Our babies of today are the adolescents of tomorrow, who will grow up to be the adults who influence the world we live in. ...
Parenting parenting baby theyIt is truly amazing how much a baby grows and learns the first year of his life. Those 1st couple of months see tremendous change. The 2nd month of one's baby's life is fun because you both have learned so a lot about each other and now you...
Parenting parenting month time alsoIf you have not used positive parenting tips to improve your relationship with your children, by the time you are done reading this article, you will definitely want to know how to. If you are not ready to make some wonderful changes to your life, th...
Parenting parenting children whenAre You Truly Thankful For Everything? by: Kimberly Chastain Thanksgiving is the time of year when we stop and are thankful for all our blessings. Of course, we should be thankful every day of the year. I want you to take a different look at Tha...
Parenting parentingkful life whenAs children save money when they're young, they are more likely to learn good habits with regard to money. This can help them in several ways. Overall, it can assist them in developing smart attitudes about money early in their lives. When chil...
Parenting parenting money children fromHave you noticed that your kids are becoming more attached than ever to television, video games and texting? And the season doesn't seem to matter. During summer, with more free time and fewer structured activities, it's easy to turn to ele...
Parenting parenting time children