1,369 articles related to "parenting"

Who's Teaching Your Child About Money

Who's Teaching Your Child About Money by: Valerie Mills Managing money is one of the most critical skills we must master to function effectively as adults. Yet, although public schools address the subject of money using math examples, teach...

Parenting  parenting child money financial show
How to Be a Better Parent

Being a parent is arguably the toughest job in the world. Parents can only give as good as they are aware of and have experienced or learned for themselves. So, how good they become really starts with self-knowledge of their own motivations, preferen...

Parenting  parenting kids them
Financial Crisis ... What Do We Tell Our Kids?

When the rest of the world is reporting financial doom and gloom, what do our teens think? In a generation which we see more and more young people struggling with hopelessness, is this media frenzy really helping? As parents, especially inside a Com...

Parenting  parenting family about
Growing As A Parent, As Your Child Grows

The old axiom: "being a parent doesn't come with instructions", has rung true since time immemorial. Essentially, no person is certified by any means, to become a mother or father, then all of a sudden - they are. Purely by way of hands-on exp...

Parenting  parenting children child parent will
Moms - Get More Energy Now

Moms - Get More Energy Now by: Frank McGinty Let's be honest! When it comes to parenting, men expect their wives or partners to do the lion's share. There are signs that we're moving toward a more enlightened age in which ALL par...

Parenting  parenting time kids family some
A Parent's Guide to Online Gaming, Part 2

A Parent's Guide to Online Gaming, Part 2 by: Steve Hall In part one we talked about online gaming and your children, including FPS games and exposure to violent content. We wrap up this series by talking about RTS games, MMORPGs and the ad...

Parenting  parenting game time them
You Have A New Person At Home: Baby’s Fourth Month Guide

You Have A New Person At Home: Baby’s Fourth Month Guide by: Michelle Higgins Baby is into her fourth month now. Mom's milk is best… Breast milk is still important and sufficient to take care of baby's needs. If you are a working ...

Parenting  parenting baby month time some
What Exactly Are You Teaching Kids About Money?

Remember the old song by Paul Simon that says when he thinks back on all the "junk" he learned in school, he's surprised he can still even think? How much did your school learning, prepare you for the rest of your life? You need to teach your ch...

Parenting  parenting money when
4 Myths About Play That May Be Affecting Your Children

The playtime your kids get, whether it be with you, their friends, or alone, is one of the most important components of their life, for many reasons, which we'll touch on. But many parents have some big misconceptions about imagination-based pla...

Parenting  parenting play parents children
Enmeshed Parenting

"Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you." Kahlil Gibran Symptoms of enmeshed parenting:...

Parenting  parenting children them