Studies have shown that the numbers of overweight and obese children in the United States is growing at an alarming rate. If you don't want your child to become a statistic then you need to take action to get them up off the couch and moving aro...
Parenting parenting time kids itaposs family101 Gift Ideas For All Occasions by: H Porter People have forgotton about the meaning behind gifting, in a consumer driven society we are often pushed towards competing e.g. upstaing gifts and my gifts better than yours. Lets go back to basics, ...
Parenting parenting kidsReal Dangers to Kids Online and How to Avoid Them: Top 5 Internet Safety Tips by: Joshua Finer The Real Dangers to Kids Online and How to Avoid Them Did you know 1 out of 5 kids has been sexually solicited online 1 out of 4 kids has been sent a...
Parenting parenting internet online child nameWhat's Troubling Your Teenager? - Peeling Back the Onion Layers by: V. Michael Santoro, M. Ed. Onion layers are a good analogy for problem solving. Like onions, problems can have multiple layers, and if you do not dig deeply enough, you may...
Parenting parenting right problem solutionYou'll always treasure your child's Babylicious baby clothing. When you see the tiny socks and hat even after your child has grown past them, you'll always feel warm inside. Many people even decide to bronze these first baby shoes. Bri...
Parenting parenting baby babylicious dress monthHere’s Help for the “I Can’t Say ‘No’ Blues” by: Kimberly Chastain I hear it all the time. Cries from Christian women who want desperately to serve the Lord, but who feel overwhelmed. “I almost dread going to PTO meetings or church...
Parenting parenting time helpAre Your Children Growing Up Too Fast? by: Kimberly Chastain Each time our children graduate from one stage to another (i.e. crawling - walking, preschool - school, highschool - graduation) we as parents are excited and a little sad as well. We...
Parenting parenting children time want"You Make Me Sick" and other things Parents Say in Anger by: Patricia Gatto Maryann is so focused she's blind. She's slipped over the edge of responsibility and forgot the real reason she is working so hard. It's for her daughter....
Parenting parenting child words whenNo Invitation Needed: Sacred Children Series - 3 of 3 by: Skye Thomas I had my first two children on either side of my twenty-third and twenty-fifth birthdays. I had always assumed that by the time I was forty, I'd have a ton of freedom to ...
Parenting parenting name whenTop 10 Fun Things for Parents and Toddlers to Play With by: Dr. Clare Albright1. Give your child a spray bottle of water and watch them spray every possible thing outside of the house!2. Use shaving cream in the bathtub for extra fun.It is usual...
Parenting parenting child play