505 articles on "training"

Dachshund Clicker Training - Ways to Clicker Train a Dachshund

Clicker training uses positive reinforcement to reward desired behaviors. Any dog is able to be clicker trained, it does not matter what their age, experience or background is. Dachshunds are self-reliant and somewhat stubborn, so you may assume clic...

Pets And Animals  pets animals clicker dachshund training behavior they
Using A Clicker Vs Traditional Approach... The Flawed Clicker Training Methodology!

There are two points you must recognize:1.) You CAN train a dog using a traditional approach AND use the clicker. It depends on your style, but yes... I've had very good results using the clicker as an event marker, and for getting the dog to un...

Family  family clicker training dogs behavior
Facts and Fallacies of Strength Training for Golf

Various aspects of golf training have expanded rapidly, but one area of development that has caught on somewhat slowly is golf-specific strength training. Not until very recently has this specific need been addressed. As with many things, it started ...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation training strength golf swing resistance
How to Eliminate Weight Loss Failure by Lifting Weights: The Secret Everyone Ignores

How to Eliminate Weight Loss Failure by Lifting Weights: The Secret Everyone Ignores by: Johnny Lavot Many times, when one begins a new fat loss regime; they focus on dieting (hopefully intelligent dieting, not fad diets or very low calorie diet...

Health  health weight muscle training loss dieting
Undiagnosed Fetal Distress Leads to Baby"s Severe Brain Injury And $4,400,000 Medical Malpractice Case

Physicians and nurses go through years of schooling and practice to build the crucial knowledge and skill base to help patients. People realize that new doctors and nurses need to practice on patients as a way to gain the necessary expertise. We expe...

Legal  legal nurse nurses training physicians they
How To Train My Dog

Is it hard to train dogs? Like potty training, dog training is something you will have to be consistent with, and starts immediately as soon as your dog begins interacting with you. Training begins from day zero. Correct training can only be accomp...

Pets And Animals  pets animals training begins methods adult donapost
The Military Institutes Hand to Hand Combat Training

Although formalized instructions in hand to hand combat became a paramount concern to military experts around the world during the Second World War, a person interested in the development of hand to hand combat techniques and training in the 20th cen...

Men  hand combat training world techniques well
Tales from the Corporate Frontlines Training is in the Eye of the Beholder

This article relates to the Training competency, commonly evaluated in employee surveys. It comments on the value of training to both the company and its workforce. The Training competency investigates how your employees perceive the available train...

Business And Finance  business finance training employees programs sessions
President Bush Signs the Omnibus Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2005

In our recent e-mail magazine (which can be viewed at www.visaserve.com) it was reported that Congress passed the Omnibus Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2005. On December 8th, 2004, President Bush signed the consolidated spending package contain...

Legal  legal fraud provisions nonimmigrant petitions training
What's Your Point?

Be very clear about the purpose of your training programme. What will you be doing and why specifically are you doing it? You could say this follows on from the maxim of: 'You cannot teach what you don't know and you cannot lead where you...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation training company programme exactly will