6,217 articles related to "marketing"

How to Successfully Promote your Business to an International Audience

How to Successfully Promote your Business to an International Audience by: Marie-Claire Ross Breaking into the international marketplace can catapult a company into increased profitability and growth more rapidly than when selling to a domestic ...

Marketing  marketing video corporate brochures they
A Magic Number for Writing Sales Letters

gic Number for Writing Sales Letters by: Matthew Cobb When I write sales letters for my clients, one rule I always start with is The Rule of 7. I learned about The Rule of 7 from one of my good friends who once ran for political office. In his c...

Marketing  marketing name rule times prospect
Small Business and Branding – Why and How

When we speak of branding most of the time people try to relate it to big business house, however, the fact is that every business needs to establish their brand in order to survive the competition. This is nothing new; experts and management gurus ...

Marketing  marketing business logo designed small card brand
Simple Joint Ventures Make Small Niche Sites big bucks!

My friend has a website that has been online for 3 years, and each year he nets six figures. His site is a niche site selling mostly collectible christmas ornaments. His site shows up number one at google, msn, yahoo, and a few smaller search engines...

Marketing  marketing traffic catalog simple offline search
Wordtracker Wisdom Common keyword questions and Answers

Wordtracker Wisdom: Common keyword questions and Answers by John AlexanderOne of my favorite subjects to teach on at our live SEO MasteryWorkshops is that of keyword research and the behavior of aspecific target audience using my all time favorite re...

Marketing  marketing keyword keywords phrases target
The Top 10 Tips for Leveraging Conference Attendance

As I am preparing for my attendance to CoachVille's Third Annual Coaching Conference I have been considering how I can make the most of my conference attendance. These ten tips will support you in leveraging those conference you will attend in t...

Marketing  marketing conference time connect attend
Reduce Your Stress  Create a Countdown Marketing Calendar

Just like there are reverse dictionaries, there is a reason to create a count down calendar. A count down calendar starts with Franklin Covey’s philosophy, “start with the end in mind.” The biggest advantage to a county-down calendar is that it...

Marketing  marketing calendar days count will
Your Aura is Your Brand

About two weeks ago I unveiled my emotional sentiment to this wonderful lady friend of mine I have known for several months. Over a simple dinner on a Friday night, I shifted up the gear to ultimately culminate in an unforgotten moment - disclosing h...

Marketing  marketing brand aura guitars from
There's Power in Networking!

An Ethiopian proverb states - "When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion." When one considers that small businesses accounted for 53 percent of the private workforce and 50 percent of the nation's entire private gross domestic product, it b...

Marketing  marketing business networking small events owner
STOP Sending Press Releases!

Whether you are in business or in the PR profession, you have been taught that the way to disseminate publishable information is by using the press (or news) release. Companies with good intentions do it, and public relations firms do it. The practic...

Marketing  marketing writers writer editor story specific publications