Many of us are familiar with press releases, and have even written a few. But how did the press release begin, and when? Unfortunately, it appears the press release was born out of tragedy. While not absolutely certain, it is believed the first pres...
Marketing marketing press release railroad theyEffective marketing of a business does not entirely rely on the fact that you think everyone has a need for the product or service you are selling. In fact, an effective marketing strategy requires you to home in on your target market to determine th...
Marketing marketing service clients selling product effectiveTips from Chicago Search Engine Strategies - Part 1 by: Tanya Martin The first meeting I went to for the day was Organic Listing Forum at Search Engine Strategies. Bruce Clay, President of Bruce Clay, LLC and Mike Grehan, CEO of Smart Interactiv...
Marketing marketing domains search mentioned someJust want to help spread the info: To work this plan you need at least $400 to begin. You should borrow this from your friends if necessary. Then go to the bank of your choice and deposit the $400 into a regular passbook savings account. It will take...
Marketing marketing bank account days credit passbookFree ezine advertising is great way to get your ads seen in quality publications all over the Web. And the best part is it's free of charge. But are your free ezine ads getting any results? Listed below are ten tips for improving the effectivene...
Marketing marketing submit ezine sure readMake your banner look like text on a page.This is what I call a "non-banner" (close to "no-brainer"). If your banner looks like a banner, it gets ignored. Conventional banner ads only pull less than three percent on average.Why is that? It's bec...
Marketing marketing banner textLazy Man’s Way To Get Customers by: Christopher Kyalo No matter how big or small your business is and no matter how high or low sales are right now, there is something you need, badly. And that is a selling system. All firms are careful to ha...
Marketing marketing system selling sales magazine consultant sellWordtracker Wisdom: Common keyword questions and Answers by: John AlexanderOne of my favorite subjects to teach on at our live SEO Mastery Workshops is that of keyword research and the behavior of a specific target audience using my all time fa...
Marketing marketing keywords keyword phrases targetBetter Copy: The Interview is the Key by: Neroli LaceyMost of us spend our days persuading others to buy our service, product or idea. Here is how to create powerful marketing copy to make your job easier: INTERVIEW YOURSELF.If you hired a write...
Marketing marketing problem questions solve answers answerHow to Gain Credibility and Sales By Writing Online Articles by: Andre Bell Writing is one of the most powerful secrets you will find for bringing in new business and gaining credibility among your peers and potential clients. Writing articles ...
Marketing marketing articles online article writing clients