6,217 articles related to "marketing"


It's an old cliche - "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day.Teach him to fish, feed him for a lifetime."That's been true forever. But, there's a new game in town andtheir motto goes like this - "Sell a man a fish, earn 10 bucks,feed yo...

Marketing  marketing people prospects fish sign

There has been a major change in the American socialstructure. For the first time, many older citizens havesignificant discretionary income. Among younger people withchildren, the mode now is both parents working. Many coupleshave very little discret...

Marketing  marketing target voice seniors
Profit From Reading

by Raymond Johnston Jr. A while back my youngest son came to visit for a few days. He and his family arrived late one night and after visiting for a couple of hours, we all turned in. The next morning when he came down for his caffeine jump start, I ...

Marketing  marketing read reading morning internet time
Drink Up...Neat MLM Advertising Idea

Here is a tip for getting more traffic and building public awareness of your MLM domain (MLM website url) for those who want a lot of local traffic. 1) Go visit a restaurant or pub in your locality and ask them how many coffee / beer cups they requi...

Marketing  marketing domain cups getting traffic will
16 Quick Retail Promotional Ideas To Increase Your Sales Without Discounting

1. Send out a FREE sample of your product with a special"two for one" offer - this enables your customer to get a first hand experience of your product in action AND the"two for one" offer maximises your average transaction value. 2. FREE lessons on ...

Marketing  marketing customers purchase

Sales letters are one of the most popular forms of advertisingtoday, and have been for some time. The reason for this issimple: they work. However, with no pure form and no specificrequirements for format, length, etc., writing a truly effectivesales...

Marketing  marketing sales letter pages letters effective most
Viral Marketing - Spread the word.

While a virus, in Medicine, is the smallest infectious agent, it is an extremely potent strategy in Marketing speak with similar abilities to proliferate. It is an effective means of advertising and relies on an understanding of what individuals may...

Marketing  marketing viral email branded
Successful Marketing w/ Automated Lead Generation

Have you been looking for the right tool to automate sales leads? You have found it right here.When it comes to writing your autoresponder for your web site, if you're like most non-professional writers, you don't know where to begin. A wel...

Marketing  marketing sales reader letter autoresponder visit
Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Copyright © 2005 Ted KushnerAre you having a hard time breaking out of your comfort zone?Everyone has a comfort zone- they are the routines in your life that youve become accustomed to. Routines and habits you are comfortable with and have a har...

Marketing  marketing comfort time zone changes
Opt-In MLM Leads Are Good Prospects To Grow Your Business

Opt-in MLM leads are one of the best ways to attract new customers or sign up new members in your multi-level marketing plan. What are opt-in leads, you ask? That is a lead that had to fill out a questionnaire over the Internet and respond to an e-ma...

Marketing  marketing leads double members