1,367 articles on "customer"

10 Customer Service Quality Statements to Measure up Against

Customer service is a fundamental quality that every business must have. The higher the standard, the higher the return on the investments you make. But just how do you measure your performance, in an easy-to-use way? It's really quite simple.....

Business And Finance  business finance people customer time
More Profits in Your Website Hosting Business

Profits in Your Website Hosting Business by: Raynay Valles If you run a website hosting business, you already know the challenges in the business. Thousands of competitors are just a click away, ready to undercut your price. Potential customers...

Online Business  online business customer make
Website Savvy 10 Key Steps to Turn Your Customers ON!

Website Savvy: 10 Key Steps to Turn Your Customers ON!“How to turn “slightly interested” customers into “I’ve got to have it!” customers!”I am truly amazed as to the lack of information websites contain. You would think that a business ...

Business And Finance  business finance list customers
Knowing Your Market ~ The Key to Good Sales Copy

One of the most important facets of good copywriting isknowing the market you’re writing for. You must know whatthis market is looking for and what problems it needs tosolve. Once you know the answers to those two questions youcan write effective p...

Writing  writing market customers
Are You Taking Care of Business

Too often, when we say we are "taking care of business", we think about the paperwork, the accounting, the inventory, etc... the trivial things that are important to get done in order for our business to run smoothly and efficiently. While necessary,...

Business And Finance  business finance care customer customers
How To Get New Business

Market, Market and then market some more. So many small and home-business owners do what we call spot marketing. They market hard for their business, get a response then stop marketing. Marketing must be an ongoing process. Let's repeat that...M...

Business And Finance  business finance market customers them
How to Take Off Fast with Your Internet Business

The great thing about the Internet is one person can come up witha great idea, put it online, and start earning moneyall in aday. Granted, not all of us who try do it so quickly (my Internetbiz took a year to earn our first dollar). But you have to a...

Business And Finance  business finance customers they
6 Affordable Strategies to Build a Cash Cow

Small businesses must be extra imaginative with their marketing efforts in order to attract customers and get them to open their wallets. Even more challenging is that most entrepreneurs have shallow pockets and shoppers are being more selective as a...

Marketing  marketing business customers
Unique Selling Propositions - USP's

Got one? Two? Three?If you have competitors, then you should have at least one Unique Selling Proposition (USP). The more REAL ones you have, the better - for your Branding, your business recognition, and your sales!We all have competitors, and the ...

Online Business  online business customer
3 Steps To Keeping A Customer For Life

The relationship between a customer and your company is more complicated than it appears. It's not a simple matter of the customer handing over some money in return for a product or service. Certain conditions have to be met before the customer ...

Marketing  marketing customer customers company